Rt Hon Sir Vince Cable delivers Roscoe Lecture

Vince Cable

Rt Hon Sir Vince Cable will deliver one of LJMU’s popular Roscoe Lectures, entitled ‘Brexit and the North/South divide’ on Monday, 13 February.

The former Secretary of State for Business Innovation and Skills and President of the Board of Trade (2010-2015), is originally from Yorkshire and will outline how, in his own opinion, the North/South divide, although evident for many years, now has a sharper edge. He will comment how the North is, paradoxically, in his view, more likely to suffer from the main negative impacts of Brexit, despite areas outside of the big cities voting heavily for it.

Sir Vince’s Roscoe Lecture takes place in the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall at 5pm. It follows the Governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney’s Roscoe Lecture, and is expected to receive an equally positive response.

Along with campaigning on current issues, Sir Vince remains at the centre of political and economic discourse. At the end of December he joined the World Trade Board as a strategic advisor and he has also recently been outspoken about the government needing to deliver a press regulatory system that fits with Leveson’s conclusions. He has also suggested that Rupert Murdoch’s latest takeover bid for broadcaster Sky should be investigated.

The Roscoe Lecture will be the most recent visit of Sir Vince to LJMU. As Business Secretary, he attended the March 2015 Liberal Democrats Spring Conference at Liverpool’s BT Convention Centre, and as part of that visit he spoke to staff and students about manufacturing in the North West.

Tickets to the Roscoe Lecture are free but must be reserved in advance. To book, please contact the box office at the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall on telephone number 0151 709 3789 or visit www.liverpoolphil.com.


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