Should we have a Liverpool City Music Office?

Crowd at a concert

Bido Lito! and LJMU are asking members of the public to contribute to the debate about whether Liverpool, known for its music worldwide, needs to formalise arrangements for tourism and events relating to music in the city, in a similar way to the operation of the Liverpool Film Office.

Bido Lito! is at the heart of the city’s music community and believes there is a strong case for a Liverpool City Music Office to harness the city’s world-class music heritage, as well as ensuring there are opportunities and appropriate venues for current and emerging bands and artists.

Bido Lito! Editor-In-Chief/Publisher, Craig Pennington, commented: “There are a set of key areas in which we believe the Liverpool City Music Office needs to be active, working towards positive solutions. But the agenda needs to come from Liverpool’s music community. We all need to feed into the vision for what the Liverpool City Music Office will be. It will not be run by the council, but will work with the council to bring about positive change and develop innovative music policy that sees music valued and prioritised across all aspects of city life.”

LJMU will be carrying out academic research to assess the current situation for musicians and organisers of musical events in the city, in addition to reviewing the current offer for tourists wanting to experience the city’s musical heritage. The University’s researchers will also be formalising feedback from members of the public during the first consultation events, and other events going forward, in addition to collating and analysing comments received via the website The University is expected to present its initial findings in August this year.

Dr Jan Brown, of LJMU’s Business School, added: “The event will be an opportunity for the music community to come together and share their ideas around what the Liverpool City Music Office will be, the functions it will perform and the agenda it will pursue. It will also be the starting point for our academic research, looking at the health of Liverpool’s music ecosystem.”

The consultation event, ‘Liverpool, Music City?’ takes place at 6pm on Thursday, May 4 at Constellations, Greenland Street, Baltic Triangle. It is free to attend. Those wishing to come along are asked to sign up at


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