John Bishop presents local sixth-formers with Good Citizenship Award

Group shot - John Bishop presents local sixth-formers with Good Citizenship Award

John, who received an Honorary Fellowship in 2014 for outstanding contribution to the arts and the promotion of social causes, delivered an entertaining lecture entitled Is laughter the best medicine? - exploring the idea that laughing is good for us.

During the evening, Good Citizenship Awards were presented by John to West Kirby Grammar School sixth form students Isabelle Crammond, Annabel White, Emma Henry and Bethan Jolly (pictured above).

All four girls raised money for the Rock of Joy Trust which works with three Primary Schools in Uganda - raising £1,300 each through cake sales, raffles, coffee mornings and selling craft items at Christmas markets to fund a visit to Uganda. In Uganda, they gave talks on dental and menstrual health, malaria and lessons in English.

Since returning, the girls have presented school assemblies with the detail of their work, including to campaign for better toilet facilities by selling badges to students in school. 

Each week the students also go out on community service in the local community as part of their sixth form curriculum - volunteering at Oxfam, a primary school for children with learning difficulties and a local optometrists.


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