Hate Crime Awareness Week

5 – 9 Feb 2018

Break Down Hate poster
Stop Hate UK poster

Hate Crime Awareness Week is an important time to remind ourselves what constitutes a hate crime and what support is available both on and off campus.

LJMU and LiverpoolSU take all incidents of hate crime very seriously. We will support and help you to report a hate crime or hate incident in a secure and confidential space. Watch this video featuring Merseyside Police Officer and LJMU Honorary Fellow Dominique Walker to find out more.

What is a hate crime?

Hate crime occurs when you are victim of a crime because of your:

  • Race
  • Religion
  • Disability
  • Sexual orientation
  • Transgender identity

What crimes can I report?

All hate crimes and incidents should be reported, whether you have been a victim or witnessed a hate crime happening. These incidents include verbal abuse, physical abuse, domestic abuse, harassment and damage to property.

How do I report a Hate Crime?

No one should have to put up with hate while they're studying at LJMU. But if you are a victim of hate crime, there are a number of ways that you can report what has happened.

Report online

In an emergency

  • Call 999 or 112
  • If you are unable to make voice calls, you can contact 999 via text however you must be registered with emergencySMS first.

Contact the police

  • You can speak to the police in complete confidence. Contact your local police station either by phone or by visiting them in person.
  • Details on how to contact your local police station can be found at www.police.uk

Third party reporting centres

  • Local agencies such as the Citizens Advice Bureau, Community Voluntary Services can also report the incident on your behalf and provide you with advice and support.


  • If you don’t want to talk to the police or fill in the reporting forms, you can report a hate crime by calling Crimestoppers on 0800 555111 or via their website.
  • You don’t have to give your name and everything you say is confidential. It is free to call.
  • You can give as much personal information as you want but with your details the incident can be fully investigated fully and you get the service you need and deserve to support you. Without your details the report will be used for monitoring purposes to get a true vision of what is happening.

Directly through Stop Hate UK

  • You can visit StopHateUK's website or call them directly on 0800 138 1625. Stop Hate UK provide confidential and independent hate crime reporting services in various areas in the UK including a 24 hour helpline.

Support at LiverpoolSU

LiverpoolSU is proud to be a third party reporting centre for hate crime. The Union has two advisers who are available to help you discuss hate crimes or incidents which have happened to you, or that you have witnessed. LiverpoolSU can help you access the correct services and can also help you to report the incidents if this is what you want to do.

Support at LJMU

Student Advice and Wellbeing services are able to support any students who may experience or witness a hate crime/incident. You can find full contact details on the Student Support page.


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