Exciting development opportunity for women to undertake action learning with peers from North West universities

2020 North West HE Cross Institutional Action Learning Programme for Women

We are pleased to offer this development opportunity for up to 10 women working in academic and professional services roles to take part in cross institutional action learning sets with peers from universities in the North West region.  Action learning provides a unique space for women to support each other to overcome work and career related challenges.  

This opportunity has been taken up previously by 150 women. Participant feedback includes: it was not role specific, so there were a range of individuals with different roles/skills/perspective which enriched my experience and It provided a rare opportunity to discuss issues confidentially outside of ones own workplace which helped me to develop more self-confidence and self-awareness. 

NWCIAL Word CloudTo find out more click on the link below:
North West Higher Education Action Learning Programme

This opportunity has been taken up previously by 150 women. Participant feedback includes: “it was not role specific, so there were a range of individuals with different roles/skills/perspective which enriched my experience” and “It provided a rare opportunity to discuss issues confidentially outside of one’s own workplace which helped me to develop more self-confidence and self-awareness.” 

 What is planned?

We plan to recruit action learning set members from institutions by the end of December 2019.  Following recruitment of action learning set members, there will be a launch event in January 2020, to welcome participants, demonstrate the action learning process we will be adopting and commence the action learning.  Following the launch, the sets will participate in action learning on four occasions with peers from different institutions.  


Launch of NWCIAL and the first action learning meeting

University of Liverpool       23rd January 2020 10.00 - 13.00
Second action learning meeting        Chester University

12th February 2020

10.00 - 13.00

Third action learning set meeting

Liverpool John Moores University 26th March 2020 10.00 - 13.00

Evaluation and feedback     

University of Liverpool 27th April 2020 10.00 - 13.00

Register to get involved

To register for a potential place please click on the link below, complete and submit your registration by 16th December 2019:

Action Learning Link to register

Please only register if you can attend all of the above dates, as action learning requires ongoing commitment to problem solving together as a group. 


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