Policy Updates

Updates to policies


The Health and Safety Policy Statement, signed by the Interim Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive, gives a commitment to ensuring the health and safety of staff, students and others who may be affected by the University’s activities. It contains the following: 

  • A statement of intent
  • The individual and collective responsibilities for implementing the Policy statement of intent (Organisation)
  • The systems and procedures for implementing the Policy statement of intent (Arrangements)

 The central focus is to develop a positive health and safety culture, characterised by communications based on mutual trust, by shared perceptions of the importance of health and safety and by confidence in the efficiency of preventative measures. Health and safety is the responsibility of all.


The Applicant and Student Criminal Convictions Policy has been updated. This policy is relevant to LJMU applicants and students.


The new Lockdown Policy has been approved and made available. This policy aims to ensure the safety of all students, staff and vistors, and is relevant to all University staff, students, users of and visitors to the University.


The LJMU Grant Application Procedure has been updated. This procedure is relevant to all LJMU staff.


To view all policies visit the Policy Centre.

For further information and enquiries email: policies@ljmu.ac.uk


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