Academic Board election update

Update on Academic Board membership

Following a second Call for Nominations for vacancies on Academic Board, appointments were made and an election held in one of the categories.  Please see below for the results.

One vacancy remains within the Professoriate category due to the small number of nominations received. 

SDF Staff:

The five SDF positions on Academic Board have been filled by:

Dr Rebecca Bartlett
Dr Elaine Hemers
Professor Gillian Hutcheon
Dr Alex Miles
Dr Atif Waraich

Professoriate Staff:

Two of the four professoriate positions have been filled by:

Professor Carlo Panara (Faculty of Business and Law)
Professor Zoe Knowles (Faculty of Science)

There were two nominations for the professoriate position in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology resulting in an election. The number of votes cast for each candidate were as follows:





Dhiya Al-Jumeily

Professor of Artificial Intelligence



Andrew Newsam

Professor of Astronomy Education and Engagement



Andrew Newsam is duly elected as the member of the Professoriate from the Faculty of Engineering and Technology on the Academic Board, and will serve a term of three years with effect from 2nd October 2019.

Please visit this webpage to see a list of the full membership of Academic Board


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