The story of how Liverpool was transformed by culture: Free Talk

Every city tells a story – Hype and legacy of event-led cultural regeneration

Wednesday 25 March, 5.30pm-7pm

502 Teaching Hub, University of Liverpool

How have major cultural events influenced international cultural policy, urban regeneration and city narratives? Dr Beatriz Garcia, Director of the Impacts 18|European Capital of Culture Research Programme will share her experience of researching and documenting major events and their legacies around the world.

Identifying trends that began with the 1851 Universal Exhibition in London and grew with the launch of the modern Olympic Games in 1896, Beatriz will reflect on the last 30 years of event-led cultural regeneration, showing how Barcelona, Glasgow, Sydney, Liverpool and London have been transformed both physically and symbolically thanks to the Olympic Games and the European Capital of Culture initiative.

This event is part of the University of Liverpool’s Open House festival – two weeks of free talks, debates and entertainment running from 16-27 March.

Info and booking:


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