Increasing LJMU Workforce Diversity through Work Experience

Work Experience Programme for Pupils from Liverpool Schools at LJMU

Increasing LJMU Workforce Diversity through Work Experience

Can you support a 6th form pupil from a local School to undertake a week’s work experience in your department during July 2020? We are open to hear from all areas of the University.

This is an opportunity for pupils from under-represented background to have an insight into your work area (for example IT, Estate Management, Academic support in faculties, Technical areas, etc) and work within the University.

This forms part of LJMU’s agenda to increase the diversity amongst it’s Professional Services staff and so we will be working in partnership with schools in Liverpool with a high percentage of BAME pupils, as currently only 3.5% of professional services staff at LJMU come from a BAME background.

If you are interested in taking part in this programme by offering work experience in your area, please submit this Expression of Interest Form to by 12noon on Friday 27th March 2020.



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