Full schedule confirmed for Staff 'Open Day' at Copperas Hill

Come along on Wednesday, October 13 and get to meet colleagues at our impressive, new Student Life Building – our new centre-piece for student services at Copperas Hill.


12:30pm Lunch is served!
A curry buffet will be available for all staff with snacks and drinks all afternoon.

1:30 pm The Student Experience – A Town Hall meeting
'How do we place students at the heart of LJMU? A forum for discussion with JMSU and Phil Vickerman'
Open to all staff to drop in and discuss what we can learn from each other, and how we can focus on students, their experience and their success at the university.

1:30pm & 2:30pm  Guided Walks
Tour guide Martin Hudson will explore the area around Copperas Hill and the new SLB and Sports Centre.  Each tour will last 40mins.  Sign up by email e.cousins@ljmu.ac.uk

3pm - Mindfulness session
Led by Peter Malinowski, this session will guide you through the basics of mindfulness, and help you use it to look after yourself and your mental health.

4pm Coffee, Cake and Change Things
A Panel Discussion featuring:

  • Zero Suicide Alliance 
  • Paul Lavelle Foundation 
  • James Place 
  • Mary Seacole House 

4pm – Women’s netball - LJMU v Chester
Cheer on one of our LJMU Sports teams as LJMU hosts Chester!  The Sports Building has a brand new viewers’ gallery which allows staff and students to champion our champions!

5pm – Yoga
A session for staff and students – meet at the JMSU Activities and Sport Zone.


All afternoon
JMSU tours.  Every 30 mins, starting at 12:30.  Meet at JMSU reception and see every nook and cranny of SLB and the Sports Centre with a guided tour.

Crafts.  Check out JMSU for some crafting fun!  Good for mindfulness and mental health wellbeing.

Bike Health sessions with Dr Bike – have experts give your bike a free safety checks and deal with minor repairs.  Sign up via email e.cousins@ljmu.ac.uk

Health Checks.  LJMU’s own School of Nursing and Allied Health will be on hand to help you with some basic health monitoring:  Blood Pressure, pulse measurements and calculate your BMI

Wellbeing Bags.  Pick up a giftbag with freebies and useful things to help you with your mindfulness and mental health wellbeing

A variety of stalls will be on hand to answer your questions and just tell you more about the university’s services for you and those around you:

  • Student Advice and Wellbeing 
  • LJMU Wellbeing Journals 
  • LJMU Counselling and Mental Health Services 
  • Lee Cooper Foundation 
  • Zero Suicide Alliance 
  • Paul Lavelle Foundation 
  • James Place 
  • Mary Seacole House
  • Benefits & Wellbeing
  • Home Computing Loan - Currys
  • Cycle to Work Scheme – Cycle Solutions
  • Dr Bike maintenance/repairs
  • EDI
  • Family-friendly University (policy)

Are you an academic with pastoral care responsibilities?

SLB is the hub for a whole host of student support services and representatives will be on standby to tell you more about what they offer to any student who visits:

  • Student Futures – career plans and future career options, including the Start Up Hub
  • Unitemps – offering employment while studying at LJMU
  • Student Advice and Wellbeing – counselling, advice and guidance
  • JMSU – student representatives able to help with a wide range of issues,
  • Clubs and societies – enjoying the full range of student social experience
  • Respect Always – the university’s campaign encouraging respect in all walks of life


The new buildings

Come and see the exciting new Student Life Building and LJMU Sports Building on Copperas Hill.

The facilities offer some of the most modern facilities available in the city for a whole range of services supporting both staff and students.

The new gym, sports hall and exercise classes offer a wide range of new opportunities.  Why not ask about the new sports leagues?

LJMU is proud of these excellent new facilities and the new opportunities they create for staff and students alike.


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