Launch of Women’s Professional Services Staff Network
LJMU’s newest staff network has launched this February with over 70 attendees from across Professional Services attending the event online.

Tina Purkis, Director of HR, Moni Akinsanya, EDI Manager, Julia Daer, EDI Inclusion Advisor and Julia Wang, Deputy Director of International Relations welcomed women from across the university’s Professional Services and highlighted some of the great achievements the Women’s Academic Network and other networks have already helped influence for women at LJMU, including:
Maternity Leave policy increased to six months full pay
Menopause policies
Domestic abuse awareness
Plus hybrid working policies as well as developments events, and the Health & Wellbeing Strategy launch
The group also discussed what the purpose and vision for the network woukld be with some initial ideas:
An information centre to share intelligence and support career progression
A staff community and place to speak openly about issues
A platform to influence change at the university and promote inclusivity whilst working with other staff networks
A window to the wider world on a national and international level
A place to skill yourself within professional services and become a mentor/mentee
53% of staff at LJMU and 61% of Professional Services are women and the network reiterated the importance of women in senior positions and addressing the gender pay gap across the Higher Education sector.
As with all LJMU staff networks, the Women’s Professional Services network is looking for representatives for the positions of:
Co-Chairs x2
Marketing and Social Media Representative
Project Lead/Co-Ordinator
Events Coordinator and Community Liaison
with some of these positions having already been filled.
Paula Brennan who recently put herself forward for the role of Events Coordinator and Community Liaison said:
“I joined the network because I wanted to learn more about the support available to women in LJMU who have ambition to progress in their career, but find it challenging for one reason or another.
"I also wanted to connect with a supportive group of women that I can learn from but most importantly who can also learn from me and my own experiences. Volunteering for one of the Network roles allows me to connect with the wider university, put my wider skill set to some use which I hope will help grow this supportive community.”
The next meeting will be on Thursday 19th May, 12.00-13.00.
If you wish to nominate yourself for one of the representative roles on the network, please do so by 24 February, or if you missed the launch event and would like to join/require more information, contact (opens in a new tab)