Inter Faith Week 2023

Our Diversity and Inclusion team spoke to LJMU’s chaplains about the importance of Inter Faith week, 12 to 19 November. 

When is Inter Faith Week? 

Respect and understanding are crucial for navigating a world filled with diverse faiths/non-faiths. 

Inter Faith Week occurs each year in the UK from mid-to-late November, when the spotlight is focused on faith communities and interfaith activities, including engagement between faith and non-religious groups.  

The Diversity and Inclusion team spoke to some of our chaplains about what the week means to them and what else can be done to ensure understanding through inter-faith dialogue:

Hannah Padfield, Anglican Chaplain 

"For some people the thought of inter-faith relations may seem strange because of the unique beliefs and practices that are held within the different religions of the world. However, as a Christian I take on board Jesus’ teachings which can be found in the Bible. Jesus said that the two most important things we can do are firstly to love God and secondly to love our neighbour. How do I love my neighbour if I do not know them? Getting to know my neighbour, however different they are from me, is vital if I am going to love them. It is completely possible, and indeed necessary, to love someone who has a different set of faith values to my own. By recognising the differences and getting to know the person cultivates peace and respect within our communities and which is why Inter Faith Week is so important to celebrate." 

Rabbi Natan Fagelman, Jewish Chaplain 

"I value inter-faith as an important way to build bridges between those of differing faiths. Making connections as individuals helps to close gaps between student communities. Through sharing thoughts and insights, we learn how much we have in common and how we can become partners in the shared goal of increasing the awareness and observance of religion in a secular world." 

Sheik Zane Abdo, Muslim Chaplain  

"Faith is an important way of life for a great deal of people. As Muslims we share a great deal in common with other faiths especially the Abrahamic faiths. We are told in the Quran, "Oh humanity, we have created you from male and female, and made you into peoples and tribes so that you may get to know each other.” In a divided and increasingly violent world, faith call us the timeless qualities of mercy, tolerance and peace. This is why Inter Faith week is important." 

What is Inter Faith Week? 

Throughout Inter Faith Week, emphasis is placed on reinforcing the values of understanding, compassion, multiculturalism, and tolerance that form the foundation of strong, vibrant communities. During this week, attention will be focused on: 

  • Strengthening inter-faith relations at all levels 

  • Increasing awareness of the diversity of faith communities in the UK, particularly celebrating and enhancing the contributions they make to their neighbourhoods and to society 

  • Developing mutual understanding between people of religious and non-religious beliefs 

Ultimately, we want to celebrate our diverse communities and value how they enrich our lives. Some questions you may ask to start conversations are:  

  • How can we be more supportive of one another?  

  • Is there anything we can learn from other religious and cultural communities that are different from our own?  

  • What are the types of benefits can we reap from being part of a supportive community?  

Find out more 

To contact the Chaplaincy Team and find out more about multi-faith rooms and quiet spaces, visit the LJMU Spirituality webpages.  

For more information about Diversity and Inclusion at LJMU, visit the Diversity and Inclusion webpages or contact 


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