Are you feeling homesick?

If you’ve ever felt homesick, you are not alone. Research shows that 35% of new students, in particular, experience homesickness. So, whether you’re half an hour away from home or in a whole different country, find out some top tips on overcoming homesickness and the support available at LJMU. 

Tips for dealing with homesick 

Acknowledge how you feel and believe it will pass, it usually does 

Feeling homesick at this time of year is completely normal. You may have just returned from a break following curriculum enhancement week, the nights are dark, and the weather can sometimes feel a bit miserable. Recognise how you are feeling and give yourself time. Starting or returning to university is a big life adjustment and it’s normal to feel a mixture of excitement and anxiety.

Find a balance in your university life 

University is an amazing time in life to make new friends, study and enjoy the city but make sure you are leaving enough time for self-care and relaxation. Burning the candle at both ends, not getting enough sleep or getting sick, can all add to feeling homesick. Personalise your room and make sure it’s a relaxing and welcoming space that you are happy to spend time in too. 

Try something new and find your community 

Keep busy and try to find other students that share your interests and can help take your mind off things. Join a JMSU society, sports teams or one of the communities. Can’t find one you are interested in, then you can even start your own society! 

Keep in touch  

Stay in touch with your friends and family and make this part of your university life. Set up weekly Facetime calls so you still have time to catch up and try not to go back home every weekend, if you can, as this may make you miss home more, each time you return. 

Talk to someone 

Try to remember that university is new to everyone and the majority of students will have felt a similar way to how you are feeling. Speak to your course mates or flat mates, chances are some of them may be feeling exactly the same way. You can also reach out the the university chaplains. 

Help and support from Student Advice and Wellbeing is available:

You may have felt fine when first starting university and then noticed you have become homesick or lonely later in the year or after a break. 

LJMU has a team of Wellbeing Advisors who can help and support you if you need advice or someone to talk to, especially if your homesickness is affecting your wellbeing or mental health. Why not book a 1-2-1 appointment in person or online. 

You can also email the team: or call 0151 231 3664. 


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