Looking after your safety this semester

Liverpool waterfront at night

Here at LJMU, we are committed to making sure you have a safe, inclusive and respectful environment for your studies.   

As the new semester begins it’s important to know the ways you can stay safe around campus and the city: 


Report and Support 

If you experience or witness any incident or behaviour that concerns you, please report it. 

We have a secure online Report and Support form which you can fill in with details of any incidents of bullying, violence, harassment, discrimination or misconduct. 

LJMU takes all reports extremely seriously and will make sure you get the support you need. 

When you visit the Report and Support tool, you can provide your contact details for an advisor to get in touch with you. You may also choose to make your report anonymously but this means we won’t be able to contact you to offer more support. 

You are never on your own at LJMU - there is always someone here to help you. Find out more about the wide range of support we provide to all students at LJMU. 

If you are in an emergency situation, please ring 999 for the emergency services. 


The emergency security phone number (0151 231 2222) is on the back of your student ID card, if you need help on campus plus the Student Life Building is open 24/7, with LJMU security staff always on site. 

We also have a university police officer, PC Martin Triggs (opens in a new tab), who you can speak to in confidence. He’s available in the Student Life Building every Monday, Thursday and Friday 10am to 12midday 

If you need support or advice

You can get specific support from our SAW team, including from specially trained Sexual Violence Liaison Advisors. In person and online appointment are available to book via MyLJMU. (opens in a new tab)

Your Trusted Contact

LJMU has changed students’ ‘emergency contacts’ to become ‘trusted contacts.’ This means your trusted contact can be contacted in the instance LJMU believes you are experiencing significant deterioration in your mental or physical health and wellbeing. You can view and edit who your trusted contact here. (opens in a new tab) 

You can find out more about all the student support available here. 



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Summer graduation 2024


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