Making Every Contact Count training January
Staff are invited to take part in a Making Every Contact Count training day on Monday 15 January.
Making Every Contact Count (MECC) is an approach to behaviour change that uses the day-to-day interactions that organisations and people have with other people to support them in making positive changes to their physical, mental health and wellbeing.
The day-long training session has been developed in partnership with the Royal Society for Public Health and provides a safe space for staff to explore the barriers and issues with not only people asking for help and support, but also our own barriers we may face when asking if someone is ok.
We will consider the language used and explore how best to communicate that supportive element with individuals, enabling staff to feel confident in being able to ask twice and signpost those in need to the correct services.
The day will cover the following modules:
Module 1: Introduction to MECC for Mental Health
Module 2: Knowledge and Skills – having a MECC for Mental Health Conversation
Module 3: Signposting and Pathways
The training takes place on Monday 15 January, 9.30am to 3pm, Exchange Station G20 and 21. Book via the Staff Events Page.