Hireserve hiring manager portal

To streamline our process for recruitment and selection of staff, we are now using the Hireserve hiring manager portal.

This provides hiring managers with greater visibility and control of their recruitment campaigns all in one central place.  

Some of the main benefits of the system include immediate access to review applications as and when they come in resulting in a shorter time to hire, online shortlisting, auto-scheduling of interviews and real-time information about your vacancy at your fingertips. 

All recruitment must now take place via the hiring manager portal so, to ensure you are ready to recruit to your next role, sign up to our Recruitment and Selection with Hireserve training course via the Staff Development Calendar to get set up. 

You can also use our step-by-step guidance notes for the portal.

Book your place on one of our support clinics

For managers who might already be using Hireserve but would like some extra support, we are trialling some 1:1 Hireserve support clinics at Exchange Station:

These sessions can be used for any purpose, so use it to submit your first vacancy, set up an interview schedule, or just use it as an opportunity to ask us questions. Click on the links above to book your place.

More sessions will be added, including online sessions, depending on take-up, so make sure you register for the waiting list if these slots are booked up and we will be in touch. 

“Brilliant” and easy to use

We already have more than 500 users of the Hireserve Hiring Manager Portal throughout LJMU and feedback has been overwhelmingly positive:

“I just wanted to feedback that I am loving Hireserve.  I have been on a couple of selection panels - one had just eight applicants, the other had 106 applicants and during the time the job was open, I logged in once a day to take a look at the applicants and marked them. I think Hireserve is refreshing as you are giving the application a fair read at a time that suits you.”  

“Hireserve is so easy to use and the guidance notes are brilliant!”    

“I am loving the new system and I have already submitted three jobs!”


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