Policy updates: Safeguarding, Freedom of Speech and more
Policies including collaborative staff qualifications, recognition of prior learning, and health and safety codes of practice have all been updated, alongside policies regarding Student Advice and Wellbeing on safeguarding, freedom of speech, critical incident and death of a student, and university provision for prayer.
Student Advice and Wellbeing and the International team want to make staff aware in particular of an update to the Safeguarding Policy regarding under-18 international students with LJMU and collaborative partners.
All updated policies are available in the Policy Centre
Following approval of these policies, they have been updated and added to the policy centre. (opens in a new tab) Find out further information below.
Student Advice and Wellbeing policy updates
Safeguarding Policy
This policy sets out LJMU’s approach to safeguarding children and adults at risk, whenever they are on campus and/or engaged in university activities. It sets out the type of action that LJMU may take in response to safeguarding concerns and how it will provide support. All staff should familiarise themselves with the policy and know who their Local Safeguarding Officer is, as well as how to report a concern.
As part of this policy, there have been particular updates regarding the arrangements in place for other types of students which are associated with LJMU. The policy has been revised in particular around under 18s with our collaborative partners and LJMU’s own restrictions.
Staff should note the removal of part of the policy around International students. 'International students who are under 18 are not admitted to LJMU based on the requirement to have a UK based guarantor if under 18 and also any Confirmation of Acceptance of Studies (CAS) restrictions' has now been removed from the policy” has been removed.
Critical Incident and Death of a Student Policy
This policy details the university’s response to a critical incident and/or the death of a student. These procedures are for all LJMU staff and Partner Accommodation providers to follow in the event of such an incident. All staff should familiarise themselves with the policy and know how to react should they believe that they are the first to receive news of an incident/death.
University Provision for Prayer, Reflection and Contemplation Policy
Liverpool John Moores University is a secular institution but recognises the commitment of individual staff and students to pursue a spiritual or religious practice and actively supports their right to do so in an atmosphere of tolerance and respect. The University supports the diversity of the staff and student population and acknowledges the need for suitable facilities to enable staff and students to pray/reflect/contemplate during the standard academic day. The University will, as far as is reasonably practicable, provide space appropriate for the purpose of prayer, reflection and contemplation at key campus locations.
Freedom of Speech/External Speakers Code of Practice
Within the law the University welcomes, promotes and upholds freedom of speech and expression and encourages the right to question and test received wisdom; it is one of our core values to lead rather than follow and to defend independence of thought. As part of the wider Freedom of Speech requirements, any member of staff coordinating or managing an event where an external speaker will be used should ensure that they have read and understood the Code of Practice.
Imagine Award Policy
The LJMU Imagine Award bursary (previously the John Lennon Imagine Award) is established to provide financial assistance and support to care experienced students and students who are estranged from their families, recognising that students from these cohorts may face additional challenges in accessing and succeeding in higher education.
Student Support Fund Policy
The Student Support Fund is intended to provide discretionary financial support for full and part time undergraduate and postgraduate students. The primary purpose of the fund is to relieve financial hardship that may have an impact on a student’s continued participation in higher education.
Liverpool John Moores University Undergraduate Scholarship Policy 2025/26
Liverpool John Moores University is committed to widening participation, supporting excellence and ensuring that all of our students reach their potential and benefit from their Higher Education experience. Our intention at LJMU is to ensure that all students have the best possible chance of succeeding in their studies. This policy document will look at the eligibility and processing.
Other policies
Collaborative Staff Qualifications Policy
This policy has been developed for use during the validation of collaborative programmes and by the Validation and Review Oversight Panel (VROP) when approving new collaborative partner staff to teach and assess on LJMU collaborative programmes.
Further resources are available on the dedicated Collaborative Partners (opens in a new tab) intranet page.
Recognition of Prior (Experiential) Learning Policy
This policy outlines how formal recognition of learning gained elsewhere, where appropriate, can lead to the award of credit by Liverpool John Moores University in respect of that learning.
Further resources are available on the dedicated Academic Registry (opens in a new tab) intranet page.
Health and Safety and Environmental Management Codes of Practice
The following revised Health and Safety and Environmental Management Codes of Practice are now available in the Policy Centre following approval by the Executive Leadership Team:
SCP3 Safe Use of Plant and Equipment
SCP32 Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare
MCP4 Information, Instruction and Training
SCP19 Permits for Contractors
SCP29 Asbestos Management Policy
SCP39 Vibration at Work
SCP14 Fieldwork, Visits, Expeditions and Adventurous Activities off University Premises
SCP16 Ionising Radiation
SCP18 Risk Assessment
SCP21 Non-Ionising Radiation; Laser and Optical Radiation
SCP22 Unattended Experiments and Equipment
ECP6 Biodiversity
ECP7 Sustainable Travel
Policies can be accessed via the LJMU Policy Centre (opens in a new tab). If you have any issues accessing the policies, or require further support, please contact policies@ljmu.ac.uk. (opens in a new tab)