Career Tips: How to make the most out of the Final Year Support and Jobs Fair

The Final Year Support and Jobs Fair takes place on Wednesday 21 February from 11am to 2pm at the Student Life Building and is aimed at final year students who want to get a head start on graduation and take care of their next steps.

As well as featuring a range of LJMU teams who can help you with all things graduation related, the event will feature over 50 organisations from a range of sectors actively seeking final year students from diverse academic backgrounds for post-graduation roles. These organisations will share current or forthcoming opportunities, making this a fantastic way to plan your next career move. You can book a place at the event.

Top tips when attending a job fair

Prep ahead of the fair

  • Ahead of the event, check out the list of organisations attending and take a quick look at their website ahead of the event and the vacancies they offer. 

  • Draw up a shortlist of employers you would like to speak to, but don’t just focus on the big names you’ve heard of – speak to the ones you don’t recognise as well, so that you don’t miss out on the interesting opportunities they offer 

  • Prepare a short ‘pitch’ to introduce yourself to employers, e.g. I am a final-year History student interested in exploring possible graduate opportunities with your company. I have read about your graduate scheme online – could you give me some further information about that? 

  • Consider preparing a professional CV to email to potential employers on the day of the event. If you haven’t crafted one yet, you can use our CV Builder app. When you have a version you are happy with, use our CV360 app to score your CV against 50 checks and get instant feedback to optimise it.  

  • Ensure your LinkedIn profile is current, as many employers accept LinkedIn profiles for applications. If employers recruit via application forms, guidance on this is provided by the Student Futures team through bookable one-to-one careers meetings.   

At the fair

  • Allow enough time to chat to as many employers as possible. Remember, first impressions count, so when you approach the stand, be confident and enthusiastic. Don’t just grab any freebies or brochures and move on, introduce yourself and network with the staff by asking relevant questions. 

Example of questions to ask employers

  • What roles are you recruiting graduates for?  

  • Which of your graduate schemes would be suitable for someone with my degree? 

  • What skills and knowledge do you look for in candidates? 

  • Could you give me some tips to help me succeed in the application and recruitment process? 

  • What do you most enjoy about working for this company? What is your company culture like? 

  • What was the most interesting thing you have worked on?  

  • What skills are you using the most in your role? 

  • What types of adjustments do you provide for disabled/neurodivergent individuals, in terms of the recruitment process, work environment and training? 

  • Am I able contact you with further questions? 

Get involved in Final Year Future Week

The fair is the centrepiece of Final Year Future Week (19-23 February), a series of online sessions designed to help you make a smooth transition from a final year student to your next step, whether that is a graduate job, postgraduate study or starting your own business.  Check out the sessions taking place during Final Year Future Week, which include the webinar ‘How to make the most of the Final Year Support and Jobs Fair’ taking place on Tuesday 20 February from 1pm to 2pm.

Visit the Student Futures website for more information about the support available to final year students.



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