Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey

LJMU has opened the national Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) for level 7 students.

The survey is to give you the opportunity to tell us anonymously what we are doing well and where we can make enhancements for postgraduate students.

The questionnaire takes around 15 minutes to complete.

Why should I take part?

The Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey is your chance to tell us your thoughts about your course.

The results help us compare how we are doing with other institutions, to make changes that will improve what we do in future and to keep doing the things that you value. This will help improve the experience of students like you in the future.

What does it cover?

PTES concentrates on your course and includes:

  • The experience of teaching and learning, including: staff, learning materials, working with other students
  • Engagement and course challenge
  • Community
  • Assessment and feedback, including supervisor support for dissertation or major project
  • Organisation and management, including induction and involvement in course decisions
  • Resources, including learning resources
  • Overall satisfaction

What happens to the results?

Your feedback is important. More than 100 universities and colleges take part which means we can compare your experience against similar postgraduates at other institutions. We use the findings to improve our courses and the learning experience for future students.

Is it anonymous?

Your survey response is confidential to the team processing the results and no reporting outside of this team will identify any individual. Any results communicated to teaching staff will be anonymised.

The survey asks that any comments you make should not identify yourself or any specific members of staff.

What do I need to do?

If you are eligible to complete the survey, you will have received an email from JISC Online Surveys with a unique, personalised link. Follow the link to complete the survey.

You can also complete the survey here (you will need to use your eight letter username in capitals and the password: pgtvoice).

What is the deadline?

The survey is open until Friday 14 June.


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