LJMU encourages researchers to deposit data in university repository

The researcher engagement team are committed to open science and data management by working with researchers to deposit their data in the LJMU Data Repository. These ongoing efforts enhance data accessibility, reproducibility, and transparency in research. 

Have You Got Data to Deposit? 

The LJMU Data Repository provides a secure and structured platform for storing, sharing, and preserving research data. By depositing data, researchers contribute to the global research community by making their data available for reuse and validation. 

Adherence to Data Management Plans 

LJMU emphasises that researchers must adhere to their Data Management Plans (DMPs). These plans, which are often required by funders, outline how data will be managed, stored, and shared throughout the research lifecycle. A key component of a robust DMP is the commitment to deposit data in a recognised repository, such as the LJMU Data Repository. 

Benefits of Using the LJMU Data Repository 

Depositing data in the LJMU repository increases the visibility of research outputs, potentially leading to higher citation rates and greater impact. Many funding bodies and academic journals require data to be deposited in a repository as a condition of funding or publication. Using the LJMU Data Repository ensures compliance with these mandates.

Steps to Deposit Data 

Prepare Your Data: Ensure your data is well-organised and thoroughly documented. Include a ReadMe file containing metadata and any relevant documentation to facilitate reuse by other researchers. 

Upload Data: Follow the prompts via Symplectic to upload your data files and associated metadata. Ensure that all required fields are completed. 

Submit: Review your submission to ensure accuracy and completeness. Once satisfied, submit your data for deposit.

LJMU remains committed to supporting its researchers in managing their data effectively. By depositing data in the LJMU Data Repository, researchers uphold best practices in data management, enhance their research impact, and contribute to the broader scientific community. For more information and support on data deposition, researchers are encouraged to contact the university's Researcher Engagement team.

For further details, visit the LJMU Data Repository website or email the team.



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