Survey shows LJMU is a good place to work

Staff at LJMU believe it is a good place to work, according to the results of this year’s Your LJMU, Your Voice survey.

The initial findings show a positive picture of working for the university. The responses also identify areas for improvement across the institution.

There was a response rate of 63% across the university, an increase of 10% on last year, with the answers helping the university to learn more about the experience of working here.

Positive responses and action areas

The most positive responses were across the themes of engagement, the culture and values of the university and the health and safety of our working environment.

Meanwhile, action areas have been identified around the themes of valuing staff, leadership and collaboration.

Tina Purkis, Executive Director of Human Resources, said: “We appreciate so many members of staff taking the time to complete the survey, with a 10% higher response rate than last year. Thank you to everybody who took the time to consider and respond to the questions.

“Your answers are so important to us in understanding both what we are doing well and where we need to do better. Our Executive Leadership Team takes your responses extremely seriously and is committed to building on our strengths and addressing issues where we can improve.

“You will have been engaged in conversations and action plans drawn up in your school or department last year and we will be doing the same in the coming weeks and months. This is your opportunity to help us act on the findings of the survey for the benefit of everyone who works here.

“Thank for your support and commitment to making LJMU a great place to work and in helping to deliver an outstanding experience for our students.”

Next steps

Later this month, all staff will receive access to a dashboard setting out the results for your school or department and the overall university scores for comparison.

Managers will discuss the results within their teams and develop appropriate focus groups and action plans over the coming months.


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