Dr Lucinda Matthews-Jones
Humanities and Social Science
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: L.M.MatthewsJones@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 3907
Lucie is a Reader in Victorian History at Liverpool John Moores University. Her research explores the role of home, gender and class in the British university and social settlement movement. She is currently working on a monograph provisionally entitled 'Settling at Home: The Making of the British Settlement Movement, 1883-1920'. Her research has been published in leading journals including 'Victorian Studies', 'Journal of Victorian Culture', 'Women’s History', 'Cultural and Social History', and in the edited collection 'What is Masculinity? and A Cultural History of Home'. She also has a secondary interest in lived religion. She edited, with Timothy Jones (University of Melbourne), 'Material Religion in Modern Britain: The Spirit of Things' and has recently had a book chapter published on working-class religious practices in Jane Hamlett's edited book 'A Cultural History of Home'.
Lucie is a nationally recognized teaching practitioner. In 2021, she was awarded the Royal Historical Society's Jinty Nelson Award for Inspirational Teaching and Supervision in History following her 2018 her Vice-Chancellor teaching award for teaching innovation. She has an interest in creative practices and their application in the history higher education classroom and in assessment. With Cath Feely (University of Derby), she is running a range of workshop exploring 'Creative History in the Classroom' (September 2022-January 2023). Lucie currently teaches a third year nineteenth-century urban history module and a second year gender history module in the Victorian period. She is the module leader for the first-year skills module Making History. She also contributes to two first year survey modules Faces of Britain (L4) and Exploring History (L4). She supervises undergraduate dissertations and contributes to the MA in History. She is an external examiner at the University of Lincoln (2021-), following her completion of this role at Leeds Beckett (2018-2022)
She was the editor of the 'Journal of Victorian Culture' and managing editor of its online supplement JVC Online (www.victorianculture.com). She was co-convenor, with Dr Jamie Wood (Lincoln), of History UK.
She can be found on Twitter @luciejones83, where she tweets about teaching and learning, Victorian stuff and her cat Bella.
2009, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, PhD
Matthews-Jones L. 2023. 'Prologue: Urban Religion and Social Action, 1800-1914' Tozer M. Bright The Vision: Public School Missions from the Victorian Age :13-42 Sunnyrest Books. Turo
Matthews-Jones LM. 2020. 'Religion and the Home' Hamlett J. A Cultural History of the Home: The Age of Empire Bloonsbury Academic. London 9781472584410
Matthews-Jones L. 2020. Butler, Josephine Catharine of Siena Scholl L. The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Victorian Women’s Writing Palgrave. London DOI Publisher Url
Matthews-Jones L. 2020. Butler, Josephine Personal Reminiscences of a Great Crusade Scholl L. The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Victorian Women's Writing . https://link.springer.com/referencework/10.1007%2F978-3-030-02721-6 DOI Publisher Url
Matthews-Jones L. 2016. Sanctifying the Street: Urban Space, Material Christianity, and the g. f. Watts Mosaic in London, 1883 to the Present Day Material Religion in Modern Britain: The Spirit of Things :57-74 DOI Publisher Url
Matthews-Jones LM, Wood J, Liuzzo Scorpo A, Rahman M, Bell E, Taylor S. 2015. ‘Making historians digitally: online approaches to inquiry-based learning in history in higher education in the UK’ Carfora J, Blessinger P. Inquiry-Based Learning for the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences: A Conceptual and Practical Resource for Educators 2 :393-412 Emerald Publisher Url
Matthews-Jones LM. 2015. Sanctifying the Street: Urban Space, Material Christianity, and the G. F. Watts Mosaic in London, 1883 to the Present Day Matthews-Jones L, Jones TW. Material Religion in Modern Britain: The Spirt of Things :57-57 Palgrave MacMillan. London 978-1-137-54055-3 DOI Publisher Url
Matthews-Jones LM. 2011. St. Francis of Assisi and the Making of Settlement Masculinity, 1883-1914 Arnold JH, Brady S. What is Masculinity?: Historical Dynamics from Antiquity to the Contemporary World . http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=470304 9781137305602 DOI Publisher Url
Journal article
Matthews-Jones L. 2022. Translocal Homemaking and Home UnMaking in the Letter Memoir of Alice Lucy Hodson Women's History Review, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Matthews-Jones LM. 2017. Settling at Home: Gender and Class in the Room Biographies of Toynbee Hall, 1883-1914 Victorian Studies, 60 :29-52 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Matthews-Jones LM. 2016. ‘Granny thinking what she is going to write in her book’: religion, politics and the Pontefract by-election of 1872 in Josephine Butler’s Personal Reminiscences of a Great Crusade (1896) Women's History Review, 26 :935-952 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Matthews-Jones LM. 2016. 'Oxford House Heads and their Performance of Religious Faith in East London, 1884-1900' Historical Journal, 60 :721-744 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Matthews-Jones LM. 2016. 'I still remain one of the old Settlement boys': Cross-class Friendship in the First World War Letters of Cardiff University Settlement Lads Cultural and Social History, 13 :195-211 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Matthews-Jones LM. 2016. Blogging the Victorians for the Journal of Victorian Culture Online Journal of Victorian Culture, 1 :102-111 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Matthews-Jones LM. 2015. ‘Teaching Women’s and Gender History: Introducing Our Past, Present and Future’ Women's History,
Matthews-Jones LM. 2011. Lessons in Seeing: Art, Religion and Class in the East End of London, 1881–1898 Journal of Victorian Culture, 16 :385-403 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Matthews-Jones L. Capturing Homosocial Worlds in the Photographs of the Rugby Club, 1885–1920 Gender and History, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Matthews-Jones L, Owens A. 2017. Peter K. Andersson's 'How Civilized Were the Victorians?': An Introduction JOURNAL OF VICTORIAN CULTURE, 22 :57-58 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Book review
Rogers H. 2016. The Match Girl and the Heiress by Seth Koven Victorian Studies, 58 :522-525 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Matthews-Jones LM. 2015. Residential Institutions in Britain, 1725–1970. Edited by Jane Hamlett, Lesley Hoskins and Rebecca Preston Cultural and Social History, :632-634 DOI Publisher Url
Matthews-Jones LM. 2013. Review of Claiming the Streets: Processions and Urban Culture in South Wales, c. 1830-1880, (review no. 1410) Review in History, Publisher Url
Matthews-Jones LM. 2013. Beyond the Tower: A History of East London, John Marriott, (Yale, 2011), Journal of Victorian Culture, 18 Publisher Url
Matthews-Jones LM. 2012. Daughters of Dissent, Elaine Kaye, Janet Lees and Kristy Thorpe, eds., (London, 2004). Women’s History Review, 17 :135-136
Matthews-Jones LM. 2012. Borderline Citizens: Women, Gender and Political Culture, 1815-1867, Kathryn Gleadle (Oxford, 2009) Women's History Review, 21
Matthews-Jones LM. 'Victorian legacies in Alan Hollinghurst’s The Strangers Child‘ Journal of Victorian Culture Online, Publisher Url
Books (authored)
Matthews-Jones L, Jones TW. 2016. Introduction: Materiality and Religious History :1-14 DOI Publisher Url
Jones TW, Matthews-Jones L. 2016. Material religion in modern Britain: The spirit of things :1-240 Palgrave Macmillan 9781137540553 DOI Publisher Url
Jones TW. 2015. Material Religion in Modern Britain: The Spirit of Things Matthews-Jones LM. :ix-231 Palgrave MacMillan. London 9781137540553
Matthews-Jones LM. 2009. Centres of Brightness: The Spiritual Imagination of Toynbee Hall and Oxford House, 1883-1914 Author Url
Internet publication
Matthews-Jones LM. Journal of Victorian Culture Online (blogger and editor) Publisher Url
Matthews-Jones LM. Personal Blog: Lucinda Matthews-Jones Publisher Url
Vice-Chancellor Teaching Award for Recognition of Distinction, Liverpool John Moores University. 2018
External committees:
History UK, History UK, Co-Convenor. 2017
Women's History Network, Women's History Network. 2015
British Assoication of Victorian Studies, (BAVS), Treasurer. 2012
Conference presentation:
Success Through the Ages: Punch and the Modernist Challenge 1874 - 1906, BAVS Annual conference - Victorian Ages, Leeds Trinity, Oral presentation. 2015
Editorial boards:
Board Member and ed. of Journal of Victorian Culture Online, Board Member and ed. of Journal of Victorian Culture Online, http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rjvc20/current. 2011
Research Grants Awarded:
Liverpool John Moores University, LJMU's ECR Fellowship Scheme to work with the Centre for Home, Geffrey Museum and Queen Mary., Grant value (£): £2394.