Image of Dr Craig Hammond

Dr Craig Hammond

School of Education

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies

See My Tutor


Dr Craig A. Hammond


Craig is a Reader in ‘Pedagogies and Critical Theory’, and was recognised as a National Teaching Fellow (NTF) in August 2022. He started his career as a Further Education lecturer in 1999 at Blackburn College, and in 2002 moved across to the University Centre to develop and teach on the BA (Hons) Social Science, Joint Honours, and Education Studies degree programmes. He gained his PhD in Sociology – from Lancaster University – in 2012; and recognition as a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) in 2015. Craig joined the LJMU School of Education in February 2017.

Craig’s writing and research traverses the areas of the philosophy of education; critical theory and political philosophy; psychogeography; utopia and pedagogy; and creative autobiography; and, College Based Higher Education. He has written and published in the areas of utopia and pedagogy; music and hope; film and philosophy; and autoethnography. His 2017 publication 'Hope, Utopia and Creativity in Higher Education', reappraises ideas and concepts associated with Ernst Bloch, Roland Barthes, and Gaston Bachelard, with a view to enhancing the transformative, creative and collaborative potential of education. Much of his work focuses on democratising knowledge and the learning experience.

Craig is a member of the Association for Research in Post-compulsory Education (ARPCE), Deputy-Director of the LJMU ‘Liverpool Institute for Research in Education’ (LIFE), and co-Editor-in-Chief for the education-based journal PRISM. As part of his LIFE role, he leads and coordinates the seminar and podcast series; and co-ordinates the LIFE ‘(Post)qualitative Research in Education' group', (along with his colleague Dr Anne-Marie Smith). He also works closely with other Northwest colleges and wider College Based Higher Education (CBHE) providers.

Craig welcomes informal email enquiries from anyone interested in pursuing PhD studies in:

Philosophy of education
Critical theory, political philosophy & education
Utopia & pedagogy
College Based Higher Education
Inclusivity, EDI and organisational change

Craig's current PhD & Professional Doctorate (EdD) researchers are:

Mandy Coe (PhD-by-Publication): 'Adventures between the lines: Identifying the Inspirations and Influences of a Poet'

John Goulding (PhD): 'Beyond incarceration: A phenomenological study into the lived experiences of veterans who have been in prison and/or engaged in pre-custodial behaviours'

Lisa Kelly (EdD): 'Dimensions of being Practical: A diffractive approach to Education "Quality" Discourse Analysis'

Karen Blackwood (PhD - full scholarship): 'Playing the field: diverse postgraduate students’ experiences of Higher Education'

Jack Fitzpatrick (PhD - full scholarship): 'Modern Policing in the 21st Century: Time for Inclusive Cultural Shift'

Jonathan Kearney (PhD-by-Practice): 'Being–With: Exploring the stance of the teacher in curating, collaborating and cultivating the education experience of artists/students


2012, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom, PhD
2005, Salford University, United Kingdom, MSc
1998, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom, BA (Hons) Education Studies with Sociology


2015, Higher Education Academy, York, United Kingdom, Senior Fellow
1999, University of Bolton, Bolton, United Kingdom, Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)

Academic appointments

Committee Member, Association for Research in Post-Compulsory Education (ARPCE), 2024 - present
Deputy Director: Liverpool Institute for Research in Education, LIFE, Liverpool John Moores University, 2024 - present
Co-Editor-in-Chief: PRISM, PRISM Open Access Education Journal, Liverpool John Moores University, 2020 - present
Co-convenor 'Higher Education' Special Interest Group, British Educational Research Association (BERA), 2018 - 2021
School Teaching and Learning Coordinator, Liverpool John Moores University, 2018 - 2021
External Examiner, Masters Foundation Programme - Social Sciences, Cambridge Education Group ONCAMPUS, 2016 - 2021
