Dr Laura Dixon
Liverpool Business School
Faculty of Business and Law
Email: L.J.Dixon@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 5280
Dr Laura Dixon received her PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Manchester in 2014. Her research explored the impact of cosmopolitan place-marketing discourses on identity-making amongst elite British lifestyle migrants in Spain. She has a range of industry experience, including working as an event manager in the voluntary sector in London and is a qualified social worker. She is also currently Principal Lecturer for the specialist programmes within Liverpool Business School, teaches on a range of undergraduate modules, and supervises a number of PhD students.
2014, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, PhD in Social Anthropology
2010, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, MA in Anthropological Research
2007, London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom, BSc (Hons) in Social Anthropology
2023, Living Well, Dying Well (Crossfields Institute), Certificate in Person-Centred Approaches to Death and Dying
2023, Chartered Association of Business Schools, Certified Management and Business Educator
2015, Institute of Family Therapy (Frontline), Certificate in Systemic Therapy
Academic appointments
Principal Lecturer, Liverpool John Moores University, 2024 - present
Programme Leader of Events Management, Liverpool John Moores University, 2017 - 2024
Senior Lecturer in Tourism and Events Management, Liverpool John Moores University, 2015 - 2024
Highlighted publications
Dixon L. 2022. Back to the Future: the impact of perceptions and experiences of time on the lives of British lifestyle migrants in Spain Sociology, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
DIXON L. 2021. Gender, Sexuality and National Identity in the Lives of British Lifestyle Migrants in Spain: Chasing the Rainbow Routledge 9780367651725 DOI Publisher Url
Wall T, Williams S, Dixon L. 2025. Futuring as inquiry: pragmatics, problematics, and possibilities The Elgar Companion to Management Education and the UN Sustainable Development Goals Edward Elgar Publishing
Wall T, Williams S, Österlind E, Dixon L, Soehren D. 2024. Future developments to embrace a ‘pedagogy of passion’. Wall T, Österlind E, Hallgren E. Sustainability Teaching for Impact How to Inspire and Engage Students Using Drama Routledge 9781032769301 DOI Publisher Url
Dixon L, Gaston L. 2022. The Hope and Glory Festival: a festival of failure Events MISmanagement: Learning from failure :182-196 Goodfellow Publishers Ltd DOI Publisher Url
Dixon L, Gaston L. 2022. The Hope and Glory Festival A festival of failure Events Mismanagement Goodfellow Publishers 9781915097101 DOI Publisher Url
Andrews H, Jimura T, Dixon L. 2019. Doing Tourism Ethnography Tourism Ethnographies: Ethics, Methods, Applications and Reflexivity :1-15 Routledge. Abingdon 9781138061767 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wall T, Williams S, Dixon L, Soehren D. Provocation: Futuring at scale Wall T, Österlind E, Hallgren E, Kernan MA. Sustainability teaching for impact: how to engage and inspire students using drama Routledge 9781032769301 DOI
Journal article
Gaston L, Dixon L. 2025. From Academic Judgement to Academic Coaching: Using Video Feed as an Alternative to Written Feedback PRISM: Casting new light on Learning, Theory & Practice, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Dixon L, Makin V. 2024. Blocked out: reflections on the potential of intensive modes of teaching to enhance post-COVID-19 graduate employability in large-scale educational settings Journal of Work-Applied Management, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Dixon L. 2024. Illusive Inclusion: Destination-marketing, managing Gay Pride events and the problem with cosmopolitan inclusivity Tourism Management Perspectives, 51 :1-9 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Dixon L. 2023. Employability and Assessment: how ’blogs’ can diversify the assessment diet and enhance transferable skills Prism, :1-7 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Gaston L, Dixon L. 2023. Calling All Mares: Community, Identity and Group Sex at the San Francisco Horse Market The Journal of Sex Research, :1-8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dixon L. 2022. Back to the Future: the impact of perceptions and experiences of time on the lives of British lifestyle migrants in Spain Sociology, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Dixon L, Fletcher T, O'Gorman V. 2019. Personal tutoring: a recognition of ‘levelness’ in the support for undergraduates Innovations in Practice, 13 :18-23 Publisher Url Public Url
Dixon L. 2019. Gender, sexuality and lifestyle migration: exploring the impact of cosmopolitan place-marketing discourses on British women in Spain Current Sociology, 68 :281-298 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Gaston L, Dixon L. 2019. A want or a need? Exploring the role of grassroots gay rugby teams in the context of inclusive masculinity. Journal of Gender Studies, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dixon L. 2019. ‘Placing’ Space: exploring the socio-spatial impacts of cosmopolitan place-marketing approaches on British migrants in Spain Space and Culture, 24 :604-616 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dixon L, O'Gorman V. 2019. ‘Block teaching’ – exploring lecturers' perceptions of intensive modes of delivery in the context of undergraduate education Journal of Further and Higher Education, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Dixon LJ. 2015. Black swan, white masks: Contesting cosmopolitanism and double misrecognition in a gay tourist town Sexualities, 18 :37-56 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dixon LJ, Peachey JT. 2012. The Paradox of Representation and the Problem with Recognition: What Does it Mean to be Visible? Anthropology Matters Journal, 14 Publisher Url
Books (authored)
Wall T, Osterlind E, Hallgren E. 2025. Sustainability Teaching for Impact: How to Inspire and Engage Students Using Drama :1-1 Routledge 9781032803050 DOI Publisher Url
DIXON L. 2021. Gender, Sexuality and National Identity in the Lives of British Lifestyle Migrants in Spain: Chasing the Rainbow Routledge 9780367651725 DOI Publisher Url
Internet publication
Dixon L, Gaston L. 2024. Embracing innovation in business education: the role of video feedback Publisher Url
Dixon L, Makin V. 2024. Implementing block teaching in large-scale business school settings Publisher Url Public Url
Dixon L. 2022. Why a post-Covid, ‘one size fits all’ approach to personal tutoring risks repeating familiar mistakes Publisher Url
Books (edited)
Tourism Ethnographies: Ethics, Methods, Applications and Reflexivity Andrews H, Jimura T, Dixon L. Author Url Publisher Url
Vice Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Promotion of EDI in Research and Knowledge Exchange. 2024
Conference presentation:
Blocked Out: post-Covid, can intensive modes of teaching facilitate transition, aid retention, and improve attainment amongst increasingly diverse management students?, RMLE unConference, Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia, Oral presentation. 2024
Amicus Mort: exploring the role of death doulas within a social wellbeing framework for end-of-life care, Inaugural British Journal of Sociology Conference, London School of Economics, Oral presentation. 2024
Gay rugby clubs - a need or a want?, British Sociological Association Annual Conference, Univeristy of Manchester, Oral presentation. 2017
'Broken Promises, Shattered Dreams: lifestyle migration and the search for authenticity in a Spanish coastal tourist town', CRESC Annual Conference: Promises: Crises and Sociocultural Change, University of Manchester, Oral presentation. 2012
'Black Swan, White Masks: contesting feminine lesbianism in a gay tourist town, The12th EASA Biennial Conference, University of Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense, Oral presentation. 2012
'Black Swan, White Masks: contesting feminine lesbianism in a gay tourist town, N:Gender Series, University of Sussex, Oral presentation. 2012
Black Swan, White Masks: contesting feminine lesbianism in a gay tourist town, North West Doctoral Training Centre Anthropology Postgraduate Showcase, University of Manchester, Oral presentation. 2012
Media Coverage:
Conference organisation:
Leisure Studies Association, 2016 Annual Conference, Conference Co-Organiser, https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/microsites/leisure-studies-association-conference/location. 2016