Image of Dr Conor Omand

Dr Conor Omand

Astrophysics Research Institute

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

See My Tutor


I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Time Domain group at the Astrophysics Research Institute of LJMU, working with Dr. Gavin Lamb. Before I came to LJMU, I was a postdoc at Stockholm University in the Supernova group. I did my PhD study in Tokyo, Japan.

My research interests are around compact objects (neutron stars and black holes) and energetic transients (supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, kilonovae, tidal disruption events, etc.). I work on modeling the multiwavelength emission from these transients to try and learn more about their properties, causes, and progenitors. I often try to model these systems analytically, but also use numerical radiative transfer simulations and often work with hydrodynamics experts to fully explore the dynamics and emission of these different transients.

My main focus in on magnetar-driven transients, where a rapidly-rotating neutron star spins down and deposits its energy in the ejecta, leading a brighter, faster transient that emits strongly in radio, infrared, and X-rays at late times.

My full list of works is here:


2021, University of Tokyo, Japan, PhD, Physics

Academic appointments

Postdoctoral Researcher, Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, 2024 - present
Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Astronomy, Stockholm University, 2021 - 2024
