Dr Iacopo Carnacina
School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Email: I.Carnacina@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2584
Dr Carnacina is a Reader in Water and Environmental Engineering for the School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment and joined LJMU in 2017 as Senior Lecturer for the same school. Here, he teaches at various levels on topics related to water engineering, sustainable infrastructures and river and basin management.
Prior to this, he has been Lecturer and Researcher in River Engineering at UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education within the department of Water Science and Engineering. In 2006 he obtained his master's degree in Hydraulic, Transportation and Territory Engineering from the University of Pisa, Italy. In 2010 he obtained his PhD in Civil Engineering from the doctorate school of the University of Pisa “Leonardo da Vinci” Italy, with a thesis on the effect of debris accumulation on bridge pier scour. Since 2007, he has also been a member of the professional body of Civil Engineers of the province of La Spezia, Italy.
Previously, he was involved in the CARNOT/VITRE research project on sediment transportation of combined sewer networks using acoustic devices at the French Institute of science and technology for transport, development and networks (IFSTTAR). There, he analysed the evolution and main morphological features of organic sediment deposits.
After that, he worked for more than 5 years at AIR Worldwide, a catastrophe modelling firm, where he developed fluvial, pluvial and storm surge stochastic numerical models for the continental United States, Brazil, China, Central Europe, UK and Japan. There, he also worked as a model manager and scientific lead for the new North Sea storm surge model in collaboration with Deltares, which resulted in the development of new solutions using Delft3D-Flexile Mesh.
He is interested in local erosion in correspondence with hydraulic structures such as bridges, river training structures and dams, large-scale numerical flood models and flood protection. He has also contributed to the study of sustainable river training structures, with a focus on local erosion phenomena and morphology, design, energy dissipation and two-phase flow development. His research will focus on the sustainable impact of hydraulic structures with a focus on micro-hydropower development in rural regions' use of sustainable resources to optimize efficiency and minimize the environmental impact.
2010, University of Pisa, Italy, PhD Civil Engineering
2006, University of Pisa, Italy, MEng Civil Engineering
2004, University of Pisa, Italy, BEng Civil Engineering
2011, Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, Paris, France, Lecturer qualification (France, Maître de Conférence) n°11260216614
2007, University of Pisa, Qualification for Security responsible for temporary and mobile construction works (Italian Decree law D.Legs 81/08 Ex. Law 494/96)
2006, University of Pisa, Italy, Professional Civil Engineer
Academic appointments
Reader in Water and Environmental Engineering, School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment, Liverpool John Moores University, 2022 - present
Senior Lecturer Civil Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, Liverpool John Moores University, 2017 - 2022
Lecturer/Researcher River Basin Hydraulics, Water Science Engineering, IHE-Delft, 2017 - 2017
Researcher, GER, The French institute of science and technology for transport, spatial planning, development and networks, 2010 - 2011
Researcher, Civil Engineering, University of Pisa, 2010 - 2010
Postgraduate training
PGCertLTHE, UK, Liverpool John Moores University, 2017 - 2018
Highlighted publications
Abbas A, Salloom G, Ruddock F, Alkhaddar R, Hammoudi S, Andoh R, Carnacina I. 2019. Modelling data of an urban drainage design using a Geographic Information System (GIS)database Journal of Hydrology, 574 :450-466 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Carnacina I, Pagliara S, Leonardi N. 2019. Bridge pier scour under pressure flow conditions River Research and Applications, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Keshtpoor M, Carnacina I, Yablonsky RM. 2019. A New Statistical Approach to Select Surge-Producing Extratropical Cyclones from a 10,000-Year Stochastic Catalog Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 145 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Journal article
Al-Hasani B, Abdellatif M, Carnacina I, Harris C, Ayad A-Q, Maaroo BF, Zubaidi SL. 2024. Integrated geospatial approach for adaptive rainwater harvesting site selection under the impact of climate change Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 38 :1009-1033 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Maaroof BF, Al-Musawi MA, Kareem HH, Al-Abdan RH, Obaid HS, AL- Hasani B, Abdellatif M, Carnacina I. 2023. Geographical Assessment of the Natural Environment at Al-Huwaizah Marsh, Eastern Of Misan Governorate (Iraq) Misan Journal for Academic Studies, 22 :188-188 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Pannozzo N, Leonardi N, Carnacina I, Smedley RK. 2023. Storm sediment contribution to salt marsh accretion and expansion Geomorphology, 430 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Maaroof BF, Omran MH, Al-Qaim FF, Salman JM, Hussain BN, Abdellatif M, Carnacina I, Al-Hasani B, Jawad MR, Hussein WA. 2023. Environmental Assesment Of Al-Hillah River Pollution at Babil Governorate (IRAQ) Journal of the Geographical Institute Jovan Cvijic SASA, 73 :1-16 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Pannozzo N, Smedley R, Plater A, Carnacina I, Leonardi N. 2023. Novel luminescence diagnosis of storm deposition across intertidal environments. The Science of the total environment, 867 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Pannozzo N, Smedley RK, Chiverrell RC, Carnacina I, Leonardi N. 2022. An Integration of Numerical Modeling and Paleoenvironmental Analysis Reveals the Effects of Embankment Construction on Long‐Term Salt Marsh Accretion Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 127 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Pannozzo N, Smedley R, Chiverrell R, Carnacina I, Leonardi N. 2022. Understanding salt marsh resilience to changes in external disturbance DOI Publisher Url
Hamidifar H, Mohammad Ali Nezhadian D, Carnacina I. 2022. Experimental study of debris-induced scour around a slotted bridge pier Acta Geophysica, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Pannozzo N, Leonardi N, Carnacina I, Smedley R. 2021. Dataset of results from numerical simulations of increased storm intensity in an estuarine salt marsh system Data in Brief, 38 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hamidifar H, Zanganeh-Inaloo F, Carnacina I. 2021. Hybrid scour depth prediction equations for reliable design of bridge piers Water, 13 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Pannozzo N, Leonardi N, Carnacina I, Smedley R. 2021. Salt marsh resilience to sea-level rise and increased storm intensity Geomorphology, :107825-107825 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Leonardi N, Mei X, Carnacina I, Dai Z. 2021. Marine sediment sustains the accretion of a mixed fluvial-tidal delta Marine Geology, 438 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Pannozzo N, Leonardi N, Carnacina I, Smedley R. 2021. Salt marsh resilience to sea-level rise and increased storm intensity DOI Publisher Url
Rawat VS, Roshni T, Carnacina I. 2021. Experimental study of flows over Block Ramps on stability of non-cohesive beds Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Leonardi N, Matsoukis C, Carnacina I. 2020. Numerical investigation of the spatial distribution of Escherichia coli in river deltas for different values of river discharge, temperature and irradiation of the water surface H2Open Journal, 3 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Abbas A, Carnacina I, Ruddock F, Alkhaddar R, Rothwell G, Andoh R. 2020. The hydraulic performance of the storm chamber in a new manhole designed for separate sewer systems Journal of Hydraulic Research, 58 :957-967 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Carnacina I, Leonardi N, Pagliara S. 2019. Characteristics of Flow Structure around Cylindrical Bridge Piers in Pressure-Flow Conditions Water, 11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Abbas A, Ruddock F, Alkhaddar R, Rothwell G, Carnacina I, Andoh R. 2019. Investigation of the structural performance of two flexible pipes set in one trench with a new placement method for separate sewer systems TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY, 92 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Abbas A, Ruddock F, Alkhaddar R, Rothwell G, Carnacina I, Andoh R. 2019. Experimental data used to validate the FE model of the structural performance of two flexible pipes laid in a single trench. Data in Brief, 27 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Abbas A, Carnacina I, Ruddock F, Alkhaddar R, Rothwell G, Andoh R. 2019. An innovative method for installing a separate sewer system in narrow streets Journal of Water Management Modeling, 27 :1-8 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Abbas A, Salloom G, Ruddock F, Alkhaddar R, Hammoudi S, Andoh R, Carnacina I. 2019. Modelling data of an urban drainage design using a Geographic Information System (GIS)database Journal of Hydrology, 574 :450-466 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Carnacina I, Pagliara S, Leonardi N. 2019. Bridge pier scour under pressure flow conditions River Research and Applications, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Al-Saati N, Hussein T, Abbas M, Hashim KS, Al-Saati Z, Kot P, Sadique MM, Aljefery M, Carnacina I. 2019. Statistical modelling of turbidity removal applied to non-toxic natural coagulants in water treatment: a case study Desalination and Water Treatment, 150 :406-412 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Nicoletta L, Xiarong L, Carnacina I. 2019. A Numerical Investigation on Tidally Induced Sediment Transport and Morphological Changes with Changing Sea Level in South-East England Geosciences Journal, 9 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Keshtpoor M, Carnacina I, Yablonsky RM. 2019. A New Statistical Approach to Select Surge-Producing Extratropical Cyclones from a 10,000-Year Stochastic Catalog Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 145 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Leonardi N, Carnacina I, Donatelli C, Ganju NK, Plater AJ, Schuerch M, Temmerman S. 2017. Dynamic interactions between coastal storms and salt marshes: A review Geomorphology, 301 :92-107 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Carnacina I, Larrarte F, Leonardi N. 2017. Acoustic measurement and morphological features of organic sediment deposits in combined sewer networks Water Research, 112 :279-290 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Carnacina I, Jemberie A. 2014. A practical approach to floodplain mapping for large-scale catastrophe models WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 184 :49-60 DOI Publisher Url
Carnacina I, Larrarte F. 2014. Coupling acoustic devices for monitoring combined sewer network sediment deposits WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 69 :1653-1660 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Carnacina I, Pagliara S. 2013. Discussion of "Resistance to Shallow Uniform Flow in Small, Riprap-Lined Drainage Channels" by David C. Froehlich JOURNAL OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE ENGINEERING, 139 :696-696 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pagliara S, Carnacina I. 2013. Bridge pier flow field in the presence of debris accumulation PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-WATER MANAGEMENT, 166 :187-198 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pagliara S, Palermo M, Carnacina I. 2012. Live-bed scour downstream of block ramps for low densimetric Froude numbers INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SEDIMENT RESEARCH, 27 :337-350 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pagliara S, Carnacina I. 2012. Laboratory analysis of the hydrogeological behaviour of rock loose structures on pervious beds International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, 2 :1-21 DOI Publisher Url
Pagliara S, Palermo M, Carnacina I. 2011. Scour process due to symmetric dam spillways crossing jets International Journal of River Basin Management, 9 :31-42 DOI Publisher Url
Pagliara S, Carnacina I, Roshni T. 2011. Inception Point and Air Entrainment on Flows under Macroroughness Condition JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING, 137 :629-638 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pagliara S, Carnacina I. 2011. Influence of large woody debris on sediment scour at bridge piers INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SEDIMENT RESEARCH, 26 :121-135 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pagliara S, Palermo M, Carnacina I. 2011. Expanding pools morphology in live-bed conditions ACTA GEOPHYSICA, 59 :296-316 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pagliara S, Carnacina I. 2011. Influence of Wood Debris Accumulation on Bridge Pier Scour JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING-ASCE, 137 :254-261 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pagliara S, Roshni T, Carnacina I. 2011. Turbulence, aeration and bubble features of air-water flows in macro- and intermediate roughness conditions Water Science and Engineering, 4 :170-184 DOI
Pagliara S, Carnacina I, Roshni T. 2010. Self-Aeration and Friction over Rock Chutes in Uniform Flow Conditions JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, 136 :959-964 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pagliara S, Carnacina I, Roshni T. 2010. Air-water flows in the presence of staggered and row boulders under macroroughness conditions WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 46 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pagliara S, Carnacina I, Cigni F. 2010. Sills and gabions as countermeasures at bridge pier in presence of debris accumulations JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC RESEARCH, 48 :764-774 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pagliara S, Carnacina I. 2010. Temporal scour evolution at bridge piers: effect of wood debris roughness and porosity JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC RESEARCH, 48 :3-13 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pagliara S, Palermo M, Carnacina I. 2009. Scour and hydraulic jump downstream of block ramps in expanding stilling basins Journal of Hydraulic Research, 47 :503-511 DOI Publisher Url
Pagliara S, Palermo M, Carnacina I. 2009. Scour and hydraulic jump downstream of block ramps in expanding stilling basins JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC RESEARCH, 47 :503-511 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pagliara S, Das R, Carnacina I. 2008. Flow resistance in large-scale roughness condition CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, 35 :1285-1293 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Abbas A, Ruddock F, Alkhaddar R, Rothwell G, Carnacina I, Andoh R. 3D Finite Element Model Simulating the Behaviour of Filling Soils Used to Set Up a New Placement Method for Separate Sewer Systems Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction, 8 :87-98 DOI Publisher Url
Editorial/letter to the editor
Carnacina I, Li M, Leonardi N. 2024. Editorial: Large scale coastal processes and their interactions with changing coastal environments Frontiers in Marine Science, 11 DOI Publisher Url
Al-Hasani B, Abdellatif M, Carnacina I, Harris C, Al-Quraishi AMF, Maaroof BF. 2024. Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Rainfall-Runoff in Northern Iraq: A Case Study of Kirkuk Governorate, a Semi-Arid Region Handbook of Environmental Chemistry 136 :93-111 DOI Publisher Url
Carnacina I, Lescova A, Pagliara S. 2020. A Methodology to Measure Flow Fields at Bridge Piers in the Presence of Large Wood Debris Accumulation Using Acoustic Doppler Velocimeters Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 39 :17-25 DOI Publisher Url
Pannozzo N, Leonardi N, Carnacina I, Smedley RK. 2023. Numerical and field investigations unveil the response of salt marshes to storm sediment input Authorea, Inc. DOI Publisher Url
Conference publication
Al-Hasani B, Abdellatif M, Carnacina I, Harris C, Zubaidi S. 2022. CRITERIA FOR SELECTION OF SUITABLE SITES FOR RAINWATER HARVESTING IN THE MIDDLE EAST FOR AGRICULTURE USE: A REVIEW STUDY SLIIT International Conference On Engineering and Technology (SICET), Sri Lanka, 9-12 Feb 2022 DOI Publisher Url
Carnacina I, Leonardi N, Mei X, Dai Z. 2022. Hydrodynamic Calibration of a Mixed Fluvial-tidal Delta Numerical Model: The Case of Changjiang Estuary Proceedings of the IAHR World Congress, :5609-5615 DOI
Carnacina I, Leonardi N, Mei X, Dai Z. 2022. Hydrodynamic calibration of a mixed fluvial-tidal delta numerical model: the case of Changjiang Estuary Proceedings of the 39th IAHR World Congress, Proceedings of the 39th IAHR World Congress From Snow to Sea :5609-5615 DOI Publisher Url
Abbas M, Carnacina I, Alkhaddar R. 2021. Impact of a regulator dam on the river water quality tigris river case study World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2021: Planning a Resilient Future along America's Freshwaters - Selected Papers from the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2021, :362-370 DOI Publisher Url
A A, Carnacina I, F R, R AK, G R, R A. 2018. Improving the Hydraulic Integrity to Separate the Sewer System in Hilly Regions Using a New Manhole Design 11th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling :825-829 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Pagliara S, Carnacina I, Palermo M. 2010. COMBINED SEWER NETWORK IN HILLY REGION: FIELD SURVEY AND POLLUTANT OVERFLOW OPTIMIZATION Hlavinek P, Winkler I, Marsalek J, Mahrikova I. ADVANCED WATER SUPPLY AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT: A ROAD TO SAFER SOCIETY AND ENVIRONMENT, NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Advanced Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment - A Road to Safer Society and Environment :87-97 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hemmerle N, Carnacina I, Larrarte F, Joannis C, Chebbo G. Etude des dépôts à l’échelle du tronçon : potentialités des nouveaux outils de bathymétrie JOURNEES EAU ET ENVIRONNEMENT
Pagliara S, Carnacina I. Scour and dune morphology in presence of large wood debris accumulation at bridge pier River Flow 2010
Carnacina I, Kurdistani SM, Pagliara S. El Chaparral dam model: rooster tail formation on high sloped spillway Proc. 3rd Intl. Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures
Palermo M, Carnacina I, Roy D, Pagliara S. Pressure distribution on plunge pool scour . 3rd Intl. Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures
Pagliara S, Carnacina I, Roshni T. Aeration and velocity profile over block ramp elements 33rd IAHR 2009 Congress
Pagliara S, Carnacina I, Palermo M. Energy dissipation in presence of block ramps with enlarged stilling basin 33rd IAHR Congress
Carnacina I, Pagliara S, Torrini D. Distribution and maximum seepage capacity in rock loose river structure 33rd IAHR Congress
Carnacina I. Velocity features in ice jammed bridge piers Proc. of the 5th IAHR Europe Congress
Carnacina I, Bernats M, Pagliara S. Overflow Features in a Particular Combined Sewer Manhole Proceedings of the Second International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures
Pagliara S, Carnacina I, Das R, Righini R. Scour reduction in presence of bucket type rock chutes River Flow 2008
Books (authored)
Mehta YA, Carnacina I, Kumar DN, Rao KR, Kumari M. 2021. Preface 149 :v-vi
Conference organisation:
IAHR River Flow 2024, Chair, https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/conferences/river-flow. 2024
2nd International Junior Engineers and Researcher Workshop on Hydraulic Structures ’08 (IAHR)., Organisation committee team member. 2007
External PGR examinations performed:
Gustave Eiffel University, HDR Habilitation à diriger des recherches, France, Érosion et a ouillements : vulnérabilité des sols et des ouvrages. 2024
OTTAWA UNIVERSITY, PhD, Impact Modeling of Changed Climate Scenario on Performance of a Reservoir System in Eastern India. 2023
JADAVPUR UNIVERSITY KOLKATA, PhD, Impact Modeling of Changed Climate Scenario on Performance of a Reservoir System in Eastern India. 2022
Research Grants Awarded:
Co-UdLabs Transnational Access, A novel manhole design improving the hydraulic performance of separate sewer systems, Grant value (£): 60000/30000 to LJMU, Duration of research project: 18. 2024
UKRI Horizon Europe HORIZON-MISS-2023-CLIMA-01-02, Med-IREN: Mediterranean critical Infrastructure Resilience Engineering with Nature based solutions, Dr Ana Armada Bras (LJMU Lead), Co-I: Dr Michaela Gkantou, Dr Iacopo Carnacina, Dr Rafaela Ganga, Dr Mawada Abdellatif,, Grant value (£): £10m/LJMU £827,460, Duration of research project: 48 months. 2024
INNOVATE UK, Geo Block – use of innovative material for costal protection, Monower Sadique, Virtus ltd, Grant value (£): 598000, Duration of research project: 18. 2023
INNOVATE UK, Integrated CD&E waste processing and unfired GeoBrick manufacturing: upscaling a novel technology into a circular-economy business model, Monower Sadique, CCC Waste, Grant value (£): 149000, Duration of research project: 12. 2023
Research England QR Policy Support Fund (PSF), Plastic in construction – the new asbestos? A pathway towards reduction, Grant value (£): 10000, Duration of research project: 12. 2023
Institution of Civil Engineers, ICE R&D Smart Block – Use of recycled material for costal protection, Monower Sadique, Grant value (£): 24000, Duration of research project: 12. 2022
RED Cat, Optimum Turbine Design for recycled hydropower turbine, River Power Pod ltd, Grant value (£): 107400, Duration of research project: 6. 2022
East China Normal University, Networking grant for the analysis of the morphological changes of Yangtze delta, Nicoletta Leonardi, University of Liverpool, Grant value (£): 11500, Duration of research project: 6. 2020
British Council, Small Scheme Research Fund – South Asia. “Twin Electro Coagulation”, Grant value (£): 11000, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2019
Liverpool John Moores University- Pump priming award funded by LJMU 2019-20, BioLevee - improve the slope stability of earthen levees by strengthening the soil using biologically inspired techniques,, Dr Armada Bras, Grant value (£): 5000, Duration of research project: 6. 2019
Liverpool John Moores University- Pump priming award funded by LJMU 2017-2018, Development of monitored breakwater using material recycled from concrete, reduction of carbon footprint and increase in community’s resilience against flood, Dr. Sadique, Grant value (£): 3970, Duration of research project: 6. 2017
Editorial boards:
Advances in Civil Engineering, Academic Editor, https://www.hindawi.com/journals/ace/. 2021
Teaching qualification:
PGCert Learning and Teaching in Higher Education. 2018
EWRI-ASCE Best Reviewer Award for Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, EWRI-ASCE. 2014
Membership of professional bodies:
Professional Civil Engineer (Ingegnere Civile Ambientale), Professional order of Engineers of the province of La Spezia. 2007
Other Professional Activity:
AIR Worldwide, Boston, USA, SENIOR ENGINEER and FLOOD MODELER, from 10/2011 to 02/2017 • Catastrophe modeler, Flood risk modeler, Coastal flood modeler • Enhanced technical coastal flood solutions through new strategical industrial partnership as project manager for storm surge model for Europe, using state of the art 2D hydraulic model. • Expanded set of physical model simulation to improve flood risk assessment of pluvial flood for urban catchment trough development of hydrodynamic numerical code using finite volume solution of shallow water equations in C++ and OPENMP/CUDA parallel process environment. • Provided new solutions with reduced computational cost technologies to efficiently assess flood inundation pattern for levee braches. • Expanded coverage of flood risk model by developing new flood hazard of riverine flood and pluvial flood for United States, Europe, Thailand, optimizing the 2D flood model algorithm to account for steep catchment..
Eng. Pagliara, Pisa, Italy, HYDRAULIC ENGINEER, from 01/2009 to 06/2009 • Performed hydraulic and geotechnical design of river protection structure for Soris Scrivia factory,.
Eng. Pagliara, Pisa, Italy, HYDRAULIC ENGINEER, from 04/2010 to 09/2010; • River cross section survey of Cornia river basin, with total station and generation of input for MIKE11 hydraulic model for the hydraulic analysis and flood hazard map generation..
Eng. Vergassola, CIVIL ENGINEER, Follo (Sp), Italy, (31/11/2005 - 31/12/2005); • Coordinated structural design of several concrete structure in the context of NGO project Eng. Zucconi, La Spezia, INTERNSHIP AS CIVIL ENGINEER from 10/1/2004 to 25/2/2004; from 1/9/2004 to 10/10/2004; and from 15/1/2005 to 15/2/2005). • Provided new accurate data implementation for structural analysis of school in the Province of La Spezia • Reanalyzed structural safety of mixed steel and concrete structures and tunnels..
French institute of science and technology for transport, development and networks (IFSTTAR) Nantes, France. POST-DOCTORAL FELLOW, from 08/2010 to 07/2011 • Obtained new insight in the sediment transport within combined sewer network through leverage of new acoustic technology and through generation of new algorithm to asses sediment morphology.
LJMU link member for the Merseyside ICE Committee.
Reviewer for scientific publication: Water Resource Research, Water Science and Engineering, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (ASCE), Journal of Hydraulic Research, Urban Water, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (ASCE), Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering; from 01/2010 to present.
Reviewer for: Journal of Irrigation and Drainage (ASCE), Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (ASCE), Water Resource Research, Journal of Water and Climate Change, The Royal Society, Sciences in Cold and Arid Region, Applied Water Science.
University of Pisa, HYDRAULIC ENGINEER, from 04/2010 to 06/2010 • Optimized and obtained new insight of flow field and physical parameter in the Gulf of La Spezia, in a consulting project for the Port Authority of La Spezia. • Effectively communicated results to stakeholders and government authorities trough final report writing, and public presentations.
University of Pisa, HYDRAULIC ENGINEER, from 05/2007 to 05/2009 • Optimized performance of manholes for the Azienda Servizi Ambientali (ASA) Livorno, using physical and numerical models (SWMM, FLOW3D), to reduce pollutant flux and enhance flow diversion performance.
University of Pisa, HYDRAULIC ENGINEER, from 06/2009 to 06/2010 • Provided expertise for improvement of technical solution for spillway design, dissipation basin and aeration performance of the El-Chaparral Dam, San Salvador, trough physical models.
University of Pisa, RESEARCH FELLOW, from 01/2010 to 07/2010 • Developed new knowledge on interaction between air water of two phase flows and dissemination of results through with scientific publication. • Thanks to these developments, new design guidelines have been produced to assess the effect of scour downstream of flood protection structure and low environmental impact hydraulic structures..