Dr Monower Sadique
School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Email: M.M.Sadique@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2877
I am currently working as a Professor of Construction Materials in the School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment at Liverpool John Moores University. I have been at the forefront of pioneering industrial and academic research for over a decade. My work has involved successful collaboration across the UK construction sector; SMEs, HEI, and manufacturers. My collaboration and innovation that harness sustainable practices and the green economy delivered impactful research that increases knowledge on a local and global scale and makes a positive contribution to business, industry and civic society.
Also serving as Visiting Professor, at the Department of Civil Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET), Bangladesh ( https://www.cuet.ac.bd/ ).
Completed Ph.D. Projects:
1. Development of Unfired Brick through Alkali Activation using Waste from Aggregate Recycling Facilities as an Alternative to Conventional Fired Clay Brick (2020)
2. Development of Cement-Free One-Part Geopolymer Binder Alternative to Conventional Cement (2021)
3. Development of High Strength (240MPa) Low-Sintered Glass-Ceramic for Heavy Duty Applications using Recycled Waste Materials (2021)
4. Development of low carbon polymer modified asphalt for emergency pavement repair (2022)
5. Development of Polymer Modified Concrete (2023)
6. Valorizing sugarcane bagasse ash as an efficient mineral addition to enhance the durability of cement-based materials (2023)
Current Ph.D. Projects:
1. Performance evaluation of composite piles under vertical and horizontal loading
2. Development and assessment of an innovative adsorbent from the by-products of power production toward maximum phosphate adsorption from water
3. Developing a database for Embodied Carbon Models for the construction sector of Qatar
4. Developing a sustainable brick with optimum mechanical and thermal properties for future home construction
Current funded Research Projects:
Field Trial of Clay Free Unfired Brick - Introducing A Clean Brick Manufacturing in Bangladesh funded by Global Challenge Research Fund (GCRF) 2020-21
Innovate UK, An eco-friendly block to help protect coastal communities against climate change-related flooding., Grant value (£): 570000.
UKRI Innovate UK Circular Economy fund, Integrated CD&E waste processing and unfired GeoBrick manufacturing: upscaling a novel technology into a circular-economy business model, Grant value (£): 150000
The Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) Research and Development Enabling Fund 2021-22: Durability analysis of cement-free breakwaters developed using waste-based geopolymer and recycled aggregate - an approach to decarbonizing shore protection globally.
Completed funded Research Projects:
Innovate UK Foundation Industries Lab to Lab India Collaboration 2021-22—Development of a low-carbon cementitious material by recycling waste from foundation industries to decarbonize the construction sector.
Feasibility study for Developing Non-fired Cement-free Bricks Replacing Conventional Agricultural Clay with Potential Waste Materials in Bangladesh Funded by Global Challenge Research Fund (GCRF) 2018-19
Investigating the Reliability of Air Void Testing Regime of SROH for Assessing the Performance of A Hand Laid Recipe Mixed Bituminous Material in Utility Reinstatement Funded By Streets Works UK and Consortium (2014)
Research Interests:
Cement and Concrete Technology, Refractory ceramics, Pavement Engineering and Materials, Asset Management of Asphalt Pavement, Low Carbon Cement and Concrete Development, Asphalt Materials and Analytical Analysis of Construction Materials using SEM, XRD, EDXRF, FT-IR, and TGA.
I obtained my first degree in Civil Engineering at Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET), Bangladesh. He joined the Bangladesh Civil Service and was appointed as Assistant Engineer of the Bangladesh Roads and Highways Department, RHD (www.rhd.gov.bd) under the Ministry of Communication in 1999. During his employment with RHD, Monower was involved with various Pre-stress Concrete Girder Bridges and National and Regional Highways construction projects in Bangladesh.
In 2009, I obtained an MSc in Road Management and Engineering from the University of Birmingham with Distinction.
Monower obtained a Ph.D. in 2012 from LJMU and his thesis was entitled “Development of Low Carbon Cement from waste bio-mass fly Ash”. Upon completing his Ph.D., Monower took up an EPSRC Research Fellow position at Coventry University and worked until January 2013. He then Joined LJMU as a Research Fellow in a project funded by the National Joint Utilities Group. After the successful completion of the project, Monower was appointed as a Lecturer at the University of Bolton from April 2016 to March 2017.
Monower has been appointed to serve as an academic adviser on the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC) in the UK selection committee for 2020-2023
Monower also registered Mentor for the ICE Mentor-supported training scheme.
Awarded the Early Career Researcher Award for Impact 2018 for delivering innovative and impactful research.
Registered member of Engineering Council UK as Chartered Civil Engineer (CEng);
Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers, UK (FICE);
Reviewer of ICE Professional Review
Member of Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (MCIHT);
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA);
Monower also published technical papers in various peer-reviewed International Journals and Conferences.
External PGR examinations performed:
Malaviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT), Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, PhD, Rendering Mortar Incorporating C&D Wastes. 2024
Teesside University, PhD, Valorisation of waste Plastics and for improving the circular economy. 2023
University of Brighton, PhD, The effect of climate change on durability of existing concrete structures: a comparison between the United Kingdom and Iraq. 2019
2012, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, United Kingdom, PhD, Civil Engineering
2009, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom, MSc, Road Management and Engineering
1996, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology, Chittagong, Bangladesh, BSc, Civil Engineering
2019, Institution of Civil Engineers, United Kingdom, FICE
2011, Engineering Council, UK, United Kingdom, Chartered Engineer (CEng)
2010, Chartered Institute of Highways and Transportation (CIHT), United Kingdom, Member (MCIHT)
Academic appointments
Professor of Construction Materials, School of Civil Engineering & Built Environment, Liverpool John Moores University, 2023 - present
Visiting Professor, Civil Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET), 2021 - present
Reader- Construction Materials, Civil Engineering, Liverpool John Moores University, 2019 - 2023
Academic Adviser, Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, 2019 - present
Senior Lecturer, Civil Engineering, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, 2017 - 2019
Programme Leader for Degree Apprentice, Civil Engineering, Liverpool John Moores University, 2017 - 2018
Lecturer, Civil Engineering, University of Bolton, 2016 - 2017
Research Fellow, Civil Engineering, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, 2013 - 2016
EPSRC Research Fellow, Civil Engineering, Coventry University, Coventry, 2012 - 2013
Highlighted publications
Torres de Sande V, Sadique M, Brás A, Pineda P. 2022. Activated sugarcane bagasse ash as efficient admixture in cement-based mortars: Mechanical and durability improvements Journal of Building Engineering, 59 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Dulaimi A, Al-Busaltan S, Sadique M. 2021. The development of a novel, microwave assisted, half-warm mixed asphalt Construction and Building Materials, 301 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hawesah HA, Sadique M, Harris C, Al Nageim H, Stopp K, Pearl H. 2021. Polymer modified asphalt binder – an approach for enhancing temperature sensitivity for emergency pavement repair The International Journal of Pavement Engineering, :1-15 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Torres de Sande V, Sadique M, Pineda P, Armada Bras A, Atherton W, Riley M. 2021. Potential use of sugar cane bagasse ash as sand replacement for durable concrete Journal of Building Engineering, :102277-102277 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kadhim A, Sadique M, Al-Mufti R, Hashim K. 2020. Developing One-Part Alkali-Activated metakaolin/natural pozzolan Binders using Lime Waste as activation Agent Advances in Cement Research, :1-38 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sadique M, Al-Nageim H, Atherton W, Seton L, Dempster N. 2019. Analytical investigation of hydration mechanism of a non-Portland binder with waste paper sludge ash Construction and Building Materials, 211 :80-87 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jafer HM, Atherton W, Sadique MM, Ruddock FM, Loffill E. 2017. Development of a New Ternary Blended Cementitious Binder Produced from Waste Materials for use in Soft Soil Stabilisation Journal of Cleaner Production, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sadique MM, Al-Nageim H, Stopps K. 2017. The reliability of asset management regime of the SROH using air void content of asphalt mixtures International Journal of Pavement Engineering, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sadique MM, Stopps K. 2014. To investigate the fundamental causes of utility air voids content failures in asphalt layers in terms of methodologies, processes and /or materials to achieve Specification for the Reinstatement of Openings in Highways compliant performance
Journal article
Al-Darraji F, Sadique MM, Yu Z, Shubbar A, Marolt Cebasek T. 2025. Performance of Confined Concrete-Filled Aluminum Tube Pile Groups under Combined Loading Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 43 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Al-Darraji F, Sadique MM, Alahmari TS, Yu Z, Shubbar A, Marolt Cebasek T. 2024. Investigation of new confined concrete-filled aluminum tube piles: Experimental and numerical approaches Results in Engineering, 24 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Sadique PM, de Sande VT. 2023. Environmental Benefits of Using Activated Sugarcane Bagasse Ash in Cementitious Materials Proceedings of 59th Annual Associated Schools of Construction International Conference, 4 :723-731 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Davies FN, Sadique MM, Amoako-Attah J. 2023. Investigating effective building fabric as a passive cooling technique to combat overheating in UK residential buildings Engineering Future Sustainability, 1 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Nasr MS, Salman AJ, Ghayyib RJ, Shubbar A, Al-Mamoori S, Al-khafaji Z, Hashim TM, Hasan ZA, Sadique MM. 2023. Effect of Clay Brick Waste Powder on the Fresh and Hardened Properties of Self-Compacting Concrete: State-of-the-Art and Life Cycle Assessment Energies, 16 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Shubbar A, Nasr MS, Kadhim A, Hashim TM, Sadique M. 2023. Performance Comparison of 45° and 90° Herringboned Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavement Infrastructures, 8 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Mohammed H, Giuntini F, Simm A, Sadique M, Shaw A, Nakouti I, Bras A. 2023. Biomineralisation to improve properties of polymer modified concrete for chloride environments Construction and Building Materials, 379 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Gkantou M, Georgantzia E, Kadhim A, Kamaris GS, Sadique M. 2023. Geopolymer concrete-filled aluminium alloy tubular cross-sections Structures, 51 :528-543 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Al-Darraji F, Sadique MM, Marolt Cebasek T, Ganguli A, Yu Z, Hashim K. 2023. A Systematic Review of the Geotechnical and Structural Behaviors of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composite Piles Geosciences, 13 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Dulaimi A, Qaidi S, Al-Busaltan S, Milad A, Sadique M, Kadhim MA, Al-Khafaji R, Sabri Sabri MM. 2023. Application of paper sludge ash and incinerated sewage ash in emulsified asphalt cold mixtures Frontiers in Materials, 9 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Arokiasamy P, Abdullah MMAB, Abd Rahim SZ, Sadique M, Ming LY, Mohd Salleh MAA, Mohd Arif Zainol MRR, Ghazali CMR. 2022. Diverse material based geopolymer towards heavy metals removal: A review Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 22 :126-156 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Strohle M, Sadique MM, Dulaimi AF, Kadhim MA. 2022. Prospect and barrier of 3D concrete: a systematic review Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 8 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Obaid HA, Hashim TM, Al-Abody AAM, Nasr MS, Abbas GH, Kadhim AM, Sadique M. 2022. Properties of Modified Warm-Mix Asphalt Mixtures Containing Different Percentages of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Energies, 15 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Durrans D, Lee D, Sadique M. 2022. Application of concrete encased ecobrick blocks in the UK’s construction industry Kufa Journal of Engineering, 13 :70-89 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Torres de Sande V, Sadique M, Brás A, Pineda P. 2022. Activated sugarcane bagasse ash as efficient admixture in cement-based mortars: Mechanical and durability improvements Journal of Building Engineering, 59 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Dulaimi AF, Al-Busaltan S, Kadhim MA, Al-Khafaji R, Sadique MM, Al Nageim H, Ibrahem RK, Awrejcewicz J, Pawłowski W, Mahdi JM. 2022. A Sustainable Cold Mix Asphalt Mixture Comprising Paper Sludge Ash and Cement Kiln Dust Sustainability, 14 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Amoori Kadhim M, Al-Busaltan S, Dulaimi AF, Sadique M, Al Nageim H, Al-Kafaji M, Al-Yasari R. 2022. Developing a sustainable, post treated, half warm mix asphalt for structural surface layer Construction and Building Materials, 342 :127926-127926 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Islam GMS, Shubbar AAF, Sarker S, Sadique MM. 2022. Ternary combined industrial wastes for non-fired brick Australian Journal of Structural Engineering, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Islam GMS, Sarker S, Sadique MM, Shubbar AAF. 2022. Non-Fired Building Blocks Using Industrial Wastes Journal of Engineering Science, 12 :1-10 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Mohammed H, Giuntini F, Sadique MM, Shaw A, Brás A. 2021. Polymer modified concrete impact on the durability of infrastructure exposed to chloride environments Construction and Building Materials, 317 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Abduljabbar N, Al-Busaltan S, Dulaimi AF, Al-Yasari R, Sadique MM, Nageim HA. 2021. The effect of waste low-density polyethylene on the mechanical properties of thin asphalt overlay Construction and Building Materials, 315 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shanbara HK, Dulaimi A, Al-Mansoori T, Al-Busaltan S, Herez M, Sadique M, Abdel-Wahed T. 2021. The future of eco-friendly cold mix asphalt Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 149 :111318-111318 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dulaimi A, Al-Busaltan S, Sadique M. 2021. The development of a novel, microwave assisted, half-warm mixed asphalt Construction and Building Materials, 301 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hawesah HA, Sadique M, Harris C, Al Nageim H, Stopp K, Pearl H. 2021. Polymer modified asphalt binder – an approach for enhancing temperature sensitivity for emergency pavement repair The International Journal of Pavement Engineering, :1-15 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Al Hawesah H, Sadique MM, Harris C, Al Nageim H, Stopp K, Pearl H, Shubbar AAF. 2021. Improving the Temperature Sensitivity of Bitumen for Emergency Pavement Repair Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Al Hawesah H, Sadique MM, Harris C, Al Nageim H, Stopp K, Pearl H, Shubbar A. 2021. A Review on Improving Asphalt Pavement Service Life Using Gilsonite-Modified Bitumen Sustainability, 13 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Torres de Sande V, Sadique M, Pineda P, Armada Bras A, Atherton W, Riley M. 2021. Potential use of sugar cane bagasse ash as sand replacement for durable concrete Journal of Building Engineering, :102277-102277 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shubbar AAF, Sadique MM, Nasr MS, Al-Khafaji ZS, Hashim KS. 2020. The impact of grinding time on properties of cement mortar incorporated high volume waste paper sludge ash Karbala International Journal of Modern Science, 6 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Mohammed H, Sadique MM, Shaw A, Brás A. 2020. The Influence of Incorporating Plastic within Concrete and the Potential Use of Microwave Curing; A Review Journal of Building Engineering, 32 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kadhim A, Sadique M, Al-Mufti R, Hashim K. 2020. Developing One-Part Alkali-Activated metakaolin/natural pozzolan Binders using Lime Waste as activation Agent Advances in Cement Research, :1-38 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kadhim A, Sadique M, Al-Mufti R, Hashim K. 2020. Long-term performance of novel high-calcium one-part alkali-activated cement developed from thermally activated lime kiln dust Journal of Building Engineering, :101766-101766 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Majdi HS, Shubbar AAF, Nasr MS, Al-Khafaji ZS, Jafer H, Abdulredha M, Al Masoodi Z, Sadique MM, Hashim KS. 2020. Experimental data on compressive strength and ultrasonic pulse velocity properties of sustainable mortar made with high content of GGBFS and CKD combinations Data in Brief, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sadique M, Dulaimi A, Shanbara H. 2020. An evaluation of the performance of hot mix asphalt containing calcium carbide residue as a filler Construction and Building Materials, 261 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Shubbar AAF, Jafer H, Abdulredha M, Al-Khafaji ZS, Nasr MS, Al Masoodi Z, Sadique MM. 2020. Properties of cement mortar incorporated high volume fraction of GGBFS and CKD from 1 day to 550 days Journal of Building Engineering, 30 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sadique M, Al-Nageim H, Atherton W, Seton L, Dempster N. 2019. Analytical investigation of hydration mechanism of a non-Portland binder with waste paper sludge ash Construction and Building Materials, 211 :80-87 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Al-Saati N, Hussein T, Abbas M, Hashim KS, Al-Saati Z, Kot P, Sadique MM, Aljefery M, Carnacina I. 2019. Statistical modelling of turbidity removal applied to non-toxic natural coagulants in water treatment: a case study Desalination and Water Treatment, 150 :406-412 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shubbar AAF, Sadique MM, Kot P, Atherton W. 2019. Future of clay-based construction materials – A review Construction and Building Materials, 210 :172-187 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shubbar AAF, Jafer H, Dulaimi A, Hashim KS, Atherton W, Sadique MM. 2018. The development of a low carbon binder produced from the ternary blending of cement, ground granulated blast furnace slag and high calcium fly ash: An experimental and statistical approach Construction and Building Materials, 187 :1051-1060 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jafer HM, Atherton W, Sadique MM, Ruddock F, Loffill E. 2017. Stabilisation of soft soil using binary blending of high calcium fly ash and palm oil fuel ash Applied Clay Science, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jafer HM, Atherton W, Sadique MM, Ruddock FM, Loffill E. 2017. Development of a New Ternary Blended Cementitious Binder Produced from Waste Materials for use in Soft Soil Stabilisation Journal of Cleaner Production, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sadique MM, Al-Nageim H, Stopps K. 2017. The reliability of asset management regime of the SROH using air void content of asphalt mixtures International Journal of Pavement Engineering, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sadique MM, Coakley E. 2016. The influence of physico-chemical properties of fly ash and CKD on strength generation of high-volume fly ash concrete Advances in Cement Research, 28 :595-605 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sadique MM, Al-Nageim H, Stopps K. 2015. To investigate the fundamental causes of utility air voids content failures in asphalt layers to achieve Specification for the Reinstatement of Openings in Highways (SROH) compliant performance Construction and Building Materials, 93 :595-607 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sadique M, Al-Nageim H, Atherton W, Seton L, Dempster N. 2013. Mechano-chemical activation of high-Ca fly ash by cement free blending and gypsum aided grinding CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 43 :480-489 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Al-Nageim H, Sadique M, Atherton W, Seton L, Dempster N. 2013. Strength development of optimised cementitious materials containing fly ashes and silica fume ADVANCES IN CEMENT RESEARCH, 25 :90-97 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sadique M, Al-Nageim H, Atherton W, Seton L, Dempster N. 2012. A laboratory study for full cement replacement by fly ash and silica fume MAGAZINE OF CONCRETE RESEARCH, 64 :1135-1142 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sadique M, Al-Nageim H, Atherton W, Seton L, Dempster N. 2012. Identification of mineralogical changes towards advanced reactivity of fly ashes for mechanical activation 34th International Conference on Cement Microscopy 2012, :336-349
Sadique M, Al Nageim H, Atherton W, Seton L, Dempster N. 2012. A new composite cementitious material for construction CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, 35 :846-855 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sadique M, Al-Nageim H. 2012. Hydration Kinetics of a Low Carbon Cementitious Material Produced by Physico-Chemical Activation of High Calcium Fly Ash JOURNAL OF ADVANCED CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY, 10 :254-263 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Al-Husseinawi FN, Atherton W, Al-Khafaji Z, Sadique M, Yaseen ZM. The Impact of Molar Proportion of Sodium Hydroxide and Water Amount on the Compressive Strength of Slag/Metakaolin (Waste Materials) Geopolymer Mortar Advances in Civil Engineering, 2022 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Conference publication
Williams AM, Brammer J, Innerdale D, Ashcroft M, Caldwell S, Kiddell D, Sadique M, Amoaki-Attah J, Davies N. 2025. Importance of Demand Side Unsteadiness on Opportunity for Space Heating Energy Saving Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 554 LNCE :3-10 DOI Publisher Url
Innerdale DT, Williams AM, Brammer J, Ashcroft M, Caldwell S, Kiddell D, Sadique M, Amoako-Attah J, Davies N. 2024. Dynamic Modelling of Interactions Between Building Heating Events 553 LN :571-578 DOI Publisher Url
Akhnoukh A, Sadique M. 2024. CARBON FOOTPRINT REDUCTION USING GEOPOLYMER CONCRETE Proceedings of International Structural Engineering and Construction, 11 DOI Publisher Url
Shubbar AA, Nasr MS, Islam GMS, Al-Khafaji ZS, Sadique M, Hashim K, Assi LN. 2022. Early Age and Long-term Mechanical Performance of Mortars Incorporating High-volume GGBS Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 184 :267-274 DOI Publisher Url
Al-Khafaji ZS, Majdi A, Shubbar AAF, Nasr MS, Al-Mamoori SF, Alkhayyat A, Al-Rifaie A, Al-Emadi N, Al-Mufti RL, Sadique MM, Hashim KS. 2021. Influence of High Volume RHA on Properties of Cement Mortar IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1090 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Al-Mamoori SF, Shubbar AAF, Al-Khafaji ZS, Nasr MS, Alkhayyat A, Al-Rifaie A, Latif Al-Mufti RA, Sadique MM, Hashim KS. 2021. Production of Ternary Blend Binder as an Alternative to Portland Cement IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1090 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Shubbar AAF, Al-Jumeily D, Aljaaf AJ, Alyafei M, Sadique MM, Mustafina J. 2020. Investigating the Mechanical and Durability Performance of Cement Mortar Incorporated Modified Fly Ash and Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag as Cement Replacement Materials 2019 12th International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE), 2019 Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE) DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sadique M, Kadhim A, Atherton W, Kot P. 2020. Development of new precursors for one-part alkali-activated geopolymer using industrial wastes Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 89 :115-123 DOI Publisher Url
Shubbar AAF, Al-Shaer A, Alkizwini RS, Hashim KS, Hawesah HA, Sadique MM. 2019. Investigating the influence of cement replacement by high volume of GGBS and PFA on the mechanical performance of cement mortar IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, the International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering Technologies (ICCEET) 584 :012022 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Shubbar A. 2021. Development of Unfired Brick Through Alkali Activation Using Waste from Aggregate Recycling Facility as an Alternative to Conventional Fired Clay Brick Sadique M, Kot P, Atherton W. Public Url
Sadique MM, Kadhim A, Atherton W, Kot P. 2020. Development of New Precursors for One-Part Alkali-Activated Geopolymer Using IndustrialWastes Sustainable Environmental Geotechnics 89 :115-123 Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-51350-4 978-3-030-51349-8 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Shubbar AA, Sadique M, Shanbara HK, Hashim K. 2020. The development of a new low carbon binder for construction as an alternative to cement Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 35 :205-213 DOI Publisher Url
Sadique M, Al-Nageim H. 2020. Characterising the performance of a non-portland binder using analytical techniques Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 35 :227-234 DOI Publisher Url
Al-Nageim H, Sadique M. 2020. New cementitious materials for sustainable construction Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering 35 :243-248 DOI Publisher Url
Sadique MM, Al Nageim H, Stopps K. 2017. Investigating the reliability of air void testing regime of Specification of the Reinstatement of Openings in Highways (SROH) for assessing the performance of a hand laid recipe mixed bituminous material in utility reinstatement Publisher Url Public Url
Sadique MM, Stopps K. 2014. To investigate the fundamental causes of utility air voids content failures in asphalt layers in terms of methodologies, processes and /or materials to achieve Specification for the Reinstatement of Openings in Highways compliant performance
Sadique MM. Cementitious materials comprising ashes in substantial proportions
Book review
Sadique MM. Steel Structures: Practical Design Studies
Books (authored)
Sadique MM. Analytical Pavement Design Based on Method of Equivalent Thickness - approach to transform from catalogue based system to easy to use analytical system Lambert Academic Publishing (LAP). 978-3-8484-0906-8
Highlighted activities
Research Grants Awarded:
Research England QR Policy Support Fund (PSF), Plastic in construction – the new asbestos? A pathway towards reduction, Grant value (£): 10000. 2023
Innovate UK, An eco-friendly block to help protect coastal communities against climate change-related flooding., Grant value (£): 570000, Duration of research project: 18 months. 2023
UKRI Innovate UK Circular Economy fund, Integrated CD&E waste processing and unfired GeoBrick manufacturing: upscaling a novel technology into a circular-economy business model, Grant value (£): 150000, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2023
Innovate UK KTN, validation of a novel thermal barrier material for housing retrofit, Grant value (£): 35000, Duration of research project: 4 months. 2022
Innovate UK- UKRI, Foundation Industries Lab to Lab India Collaboration - Development of a low-carbon cementitious material by recycling Calcium Carbide Residue (CCR) waste from foundation industries to decarbonize construction sector, Grant value (£): 60000, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2021
Media Coverage:
Zenova partnership for energy efficient homes 2023. 2023
Zenova Group shares jump on paint trial update 2023. 2023
Protecting coasts and developing green energy technologies among Liverpool City Region innovation projects to secure nearly £5.5m 2023
. 2023
UKRI Blog: Uniting over challenges: UK-India foundation industries partnership 2022
. 2022
Advances in Cement Research Prize - 2022 ICE Publishing Awards, Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), https://www.icevirtuallibrary.com/page/authors/awards-2022. 2022
External committees:
Academic Adviser of The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK (CSC), Academic Adviser, http://cscuk.dfid.gov.uk/. 2019
Membership of professional bodies:
FICE CEng, Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), UK, https://www.ice.org.uk/. 2019
Chartered Engineer (CEng), Engineering Council UK, https://www.engc.org.uk/. 2011
Industrial connections:
Street Works UK, LJMU-Street Works UK Research project on air void content failure of asphalt reinstatements of utility works, http://streetworks.org.uk/. 2013
Professional activities
External PGR examinations performed:
Universiti Malaya, PhD, Role of Different Activation Methods of Non-Conventional Slags. 2024
Brunel University London, PhD, Waste materials as aggregates in low-carbon two-part alkali-activated cementitious composites. 2024
Malaviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT), Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, PhD, Rendering Mortar Incorporating C&D Wastes. 2024
Malaviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT), Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, PhD, Recycled concrete and brick waste as precursor for alkaliactivated bric. 2024
Teesside University, PhD, Valorisation of waste Plastics and for improving the circular economy. 2023
University of Brighton, PhD, The effect of climate change on durability of existing concrete structures: a comparison between the United Kingdom and Iraq. 2019
Conference presentation:
Pecha Kucha talks: Innovative solutions to industry challenges, Inspiring Engineering Excellence 2024, One Great George Street Westminster London, Oral presentation, https://www.ice.org.uk/events/past-events-and-recordings/recorded-lectures/inspiring-engineering-excellence-2024. 2024
Self-Activated Geopolymers 2nd Generation Geopolymer for Mitigating Future Shortage of Pre-cursors, Cementitious Materials International Congress 2024, Casablanca, Morocco, Oral presentation. 2024
The Development of Half-Warm Mixed Asphalt Using Microwave Heating- Decarbonizing Road Construction, Transportation Research Congress-TRC2021, Hangzhou, China, Oral presentation. 2021
Development of new precursors for one-part alkali activated geopolymer using industrial wastes, EGRWSE-2019: Second International Conference on Environmental Geotechnology, Recycled Waste Materials, and Sustainable Engineering, ,, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA, Oral presentation. 2019
Media Coverage:
LJMU experts to present at national Inspiring Engineering Excellence Conference 2024
Zenova partnership for energy efficient homes 2023
Zenova Group shares jump on paint trial update 2023
Geopolymer offers hope for low-carbon constructors of future 2023
Brick making technology using construction wastes wins UKRI circular economy fund 2023
Protecting coasts and developing green energy technologies among Liverpool City Region innovation projects to secure nearly £5.5m 2023
New 'low carbon' cement idea wins international engineering prize 2022
UKRI Blog: Uniting over challenges: UK-India foundation industries partnership 2022
Bricks to be made without clay-cement 2021
Civil engineers offer solution to Bangladesh's toxic construction industry 2021
LJMU ‘Eco-bricks’ set to extinguish Bangladesh’s polluting kilns 2020
Research Grants Awarded:
Research England QR Policy Support Fund (PSF), Plastic in construction – the new asbestos? A pathway towards reduction, Grant value (£): 10000. 2023
Innovate UK, An eco-friendly block to help protect coastal communities against climate change-related flooding., Grant value (£): 570000, Duration of research project: 18 months. 2023
UKRI Innovate UK Circular Economy fund, Integrated CD&E waste processing and unfired GeoBrick manufacturing: upscaling a novel technology into a circular-economy business model, Grant value (£): 150000, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2023
Innovate UK KTN, validation of a novel thermal barrier material for housing retrofit, Grant value (£): 35000, Duration of research project: 4 months. 2022
The Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), The Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) Research and Development Enabling Fund 2021-22: Durability analysis of cement-free breakwaters developed using waste-based geopolymer and recycled aggregate - an approach to decarbonizing shore protection globally., Grant value (£): 25000, Duration of research project: 18 months. 2022
Innovate UK- UKRI, Foundation Industries Lab to Lab India Collaboration - Development of a low-carbon cementitious material by recycling Calcium Carbide Residue (CCR) waste from foundation industries to decarbonize construction sector, Grant value (£): 60000, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2021
Global Challenge Research Fund small grant scheme, Field trial of clay free unfired brick - introducing a clean brick manufacturing in Bangladesh, Grant value (£): 22000, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2020
Global Challenge Research Fund small grant scheme, Development of Unfired bricks, Professor G M Sadiqul Islam, Civil Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET), Bangladesh, Grant value (£): 12000.00, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2018
Faculty Teaching Excellence Awards 2023, LJMU. 2023
Advances in Cement Research Prize - 2022 ICE Publishing Awards, Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), https://www.icevirtuallibrary.com/page/authors/awards-2022. 2022
Best Paper Award, 5th International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development: ICCESD 2020, Khulna, Bangladesh sponsored by ICE, UK., https://www.ice.org.uk/eventarchive/civil-engineering-sustainable-development-khulna. 2020
Early Career Researcher Award for Impact 2018, Liverpool John Moores University, UK. 2018
External committees:
UKRI Talent Peer Review College member, UKRI, https://www.ukri.org/publications/ukri-talent-peer-review-college-member-list/. 2023
Professional Reviewer for IEng and CEng, Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), UK. 2021
Academic Adviser of The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK (CSC), Academic Adviser, http://cscuk.dfid.gov.uk/. 2019
Other invited event:
Keynote Speak at AL-MUTHANNA 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Samawah, Iraq, Low Carbon construction Materials Research for Circular Economy in Built Environment and Sustainable Technologies (BEST) Research Institute at LJMU, UK. 2022
Key note Speaker, The 1st International Conference on Advances in Engineering Science and Technology (AEST-2021), Babylon, Iraq, The 1st International Conference on Advances in Engineering Science and Technology (AEST-2021) is organized and scientifically supported by STEPS (An organisation for academic services registered in England and Wales, UK) in collaboration with the University of Babylon in Iraq and its scientific partners.. 2021
External collaboration:
https://technology.nirmauni.ac.in/author/urmil/, Nirma University, India, Professor Urmil V Dave. 2021
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET), Bangladesh, Professor G M Sadequl Islam. 2021
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET), Bangladesh, Professor GM Sadiqul Islam, Head, Department of Architecture. 2019
Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, Professor Paloma Pineda. 2018
Editorial boards:
Kufa Journal of Engineering, Editorial Board Member, https://journal.uokufa.edu.iq/index.php/kje/Editorial_Board. 2021
Editor, Sustainable Pavement Maintenance Management (Special Issue), Sustainability (ISSN 2071-1050; CODEN: SUSTDE) is an international, cross-disciplinary peer-reviewed, and open-access journal published by MDPI, Guest Editor, https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/special_issues/Sustainable_Pavement_Maintenance. 2020
Industrial connections:
Hydanis Ltd, Developing Polymer Modified Concrete. 2019
Roadmender Asphalt, Developing Polymer Modified Asphalt. 2019
CCC Group, Valorising waste clay, http://cccwaste.com/. 2018
Street Works UK, LJMU-Street Works UK Research project on air void content failure of asphalt reinstatements of utility works, http://streetworks.org.uk/. 2013
Membership of professional bodies:
FICE CEng, Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), UK, https://www.ice.org.uk/. 2019
Fellow, Higher Education Academy. 2018
Chartered Engineer (CEng), Engineering Council UK, https://www.engc.org.uk/. 2011
Member (MCIHT), Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (CIHT)., http://www.ciht.org.uk/. 2010
Teaching qualification:
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). 2018
Other Professional Activity:
Registered Mentor for ICE Mentor Supported Training Scheme.