Image of Susan Baker

Susan Baker

Nursing and Advanced Practice

Faculty of Health

Susan, originally from Liverpool, completed pre-registration training in 1987 and has subsequently held numerous positions as staff nurse and sister within the Acute Medical and Critical Care departments, culminating in the appointment as Medical Nurse Clinician in 1999. At this time the Medical Nurse Clinician role was seen as a pioneering role, which aimed to facilitate the management of acutely unwell medical patients. Susan was an integral member of the acute medical on call team, her role was to independently clerk-in medical patients, perform a full clinical examination, to order then interpret a wide variety of diagnostic tests and develop an evidence based individual management plan, as an Independent and Supplementary Prescriber, Susan was also able to prescribe appropriate medication.

In 2002 Susan joined the LJMU faculty as a Senior Lecturer/Practitioner, as part of the Advanced Practice Team. Her main portfolio related to the development and delivery of a multi professional Advanced Clinical Practice Master’s Degree and a variety of Continual Professional Development (CPD) Master’s modules relating to Clinical Examination, Clinical Diagnostics, Pathophysiology and Non-Medical Prescribing. Susan also embedded simulation, human factors, A.L.E.R.T. and resuscitation skills within the undergraduate nursing programmes. Susan also led the development of LJMU faculty of Health becoming a British Resuscitation Council Training centre and is currently the Director for Intermediate Life Support (ILS) and Advanced Life Support (ALS) programmes.

Since 2009 Susan has been Senior Lecturer, Advanced practice at LJMU developing her portfolio, in conjunction with Professor Paul O’Toole spearheaded the national education programme for Specialist Bowel Cancer Screening Practitioners (SSP) for England. The widespread stakeholder engagement required within this role and close collaborative partnership with the Mersey School of Endoscopy, led in 2016 LJMU to be successfully selected Health Education England to deliver the pilot for the Accelerated Non-Medical Endoscopist Programme. The pilot programme proved to be highly successful and has led LJMU to be selected as the sole pilot site for the new Clinical Endoscopist Diagnostic Oesophago-Gastro-Duodenoscopy (OGD), the Lower GI Endoscopy & Polypectomy level 1 (Flexible Sigmoidoscopy) an the Lower GI Endoscopy & Polypectomy level 2 (Colonoscopy) Training Programmes, which commenced in October 2019. To support this pilot initiative Susan spearheaded the development of a new Endoscopy Simulation Laboratory within LJMU. The aim of this new resource is to underpin the theoretical component of the academic modules with the ability to test, challenge and support student’s technical and non-technical endoscopy skills within a safe learning environment.

Susan’s contribution to educational excellence within Advanced Practice was recognised with the Vice Chancellors Teaching and Learning Excellence Award for Individual Teaching Award 2017 and the Faculty recognition award 2019. Susan is seen as an innovating educator who strives to merge the clinical and educational arena to develop intra professional education, new ways of working and challenge traditional approaches to health care.


1999, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, MSc Clinical Nursing,


2017, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, Vice Chancellors Teaching and Learning Excellence Award for Individual Teaching Award
2012, Regional Simulation Centre, Aintree NHS Foundation Trust, England, North West Simulation Centre - Total resource management and human factor training
2011, Solford University, England, Total resource management and human factor training
2008, Nursing and Midwifery Council, United Kingdom, Teacher Status NMC
2008, Resuscitation Council, United Kingdom, Resuscitation Council, Advanced Life Support Instructor
2004, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, Independent and Supplementary Prescribing
1996, Institute Of Supervisory Management, United Kingdom, Certificate in Supervisory Management
1992, English National Board, England, ENB 998 Teaching & Assessing in Clinical Practice
1992, St Helens & Knowsley College of Education, England, City & Guilds F.A.T.E.TC. 730
1990, English National Board, England, ENB 100 General Intensive Care Nursing Certificate
1987, St Helens & Knowsley School of Nursing, England, Registered General Nurse

Academic appointments

Senior Lecturer Advanced Practice, Nursing and Allied Health, Liverpool John Moores University, 2002 - 2021
Senior Lecturer Practitioner, Nursing and Allied Health, Liverpool John Moores University, 2002 - 2008

Postgraduate training

Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education SEDA Accredited, United Kingdom, Liverpool John Moores University, 2004 - 2005
