Image of Clare Maxwell

Clare Maxwell

Public and Allied Health

Faculty of Health

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I am a Reader in Maternal and Infant Health and a Registered Midwife. My areas of interest include Infant Feeding, Midwifery Education and Research Methodology. I have a national and international research profile and my work aligns with a varied audience including health professionals, academic staff (in a number of European countries), ethicists, students and service users and it has been cited globally.
I am a Florence Nightingale Scholar having been awarded the Florence Nightingale Scholarship to undertake my MSc and I am a former WHO Technical Advisor for Maternal and Infant health. I currently co-lead the NIHR MIDAS qualitative sub-group and I serve on the NIHR Predoctoral Health and Care Professionals Funding Committee
I have an interest in decolonising the curriculum and won the LJMU VC Award for Teaching Excellence in the EDI category in 2024. My work includes the Online Student Midwife Global Buddy study and a ground breaking student internship between history and midwife students exploring the link between historical context and current Black Maternal Health outcomes.
I have led/been involved in a number of service/project evaluations across Cheshire and Merseyside, including the 'Holding Time' breastfeeding project, the PSS 'Growing Together' programme, Everton in the Community 'Dads Club' and a Joint Service Needs Assessment of Maternity Services. I am currently undertaking evaluations around the Merseyside Safer Sleep App, a collaboration between Merseyside Police and Health Visitors to reduce unsafe sleeping and SIDS, and the Halton Creative Writing Workshops for new mothers.
I supervise a number of Masters and PhD students, all who are undertaking work related (directly or indirectly) to Maternal and Infant health. I also teach across a number of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and led the LJMU UNICEF BFI Gold award for the Midwifery programme. In line with this, I also led the successful LJMU application for the Liverpool BAMBIS Mayoral award, establishing breastfeeding/expressing rooms and spaces across LJMU, making LJMU a Breastfeeding Friendly University. This was recognised at the Patient Experience National Awards (2022) where the initiative was highly commended.
I developed an MSc DEgree Apprenticeship in ACP Midwifery and have extensive external examiner experience including at University of York, Queens Belfast and currently at Kings College London.


LJMU, United Kingdom, PhD
Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, MSc


Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PGCert in HE

Academic appointments

Reader In Maternal and Infant Health, Midwifery, Liverpool John Moores University, 2023 - present
Senior Lecturer Midwifery, Midwifery, Liverpool John Moores University, 2004 - 2023
