Image of Dr Paul Richardson

Dr Paul Richardson

School of Psychology

Faculty of Health


Richardson P, Machan L. 2021. jamovi for Psychologists

Journal article

Gheorghes TN, Richardson P, Reidy J. 2020. Local biases drive, but do not determine, the perception of illusory trajectories Scientific reports, 10 :7756 DOI Publisher Url

Lethbridge E, Richardson P, Reidy L, Taroyan N. 2017. Exploring the Relationship between Callous-Unemotional Traits, Empathy Processing and Affective Valence in a General Population Europe's Journal of Psychology, 13 :162-172 DOI Publisher Url


Saliba A, Richardson P, Norrish D. 2015. Influence de la personnalité sur les préférences gustatives et le choix du vin: Nos préférences en matière de vin en révèlent plus sur nous que nous ne pensions en savoir Revue des oenologues et des techniques vitivinicoles et oenologicques, 42 :33-34

Callaghan MJ, McKie S, Richardson P, Oldham JA. 2012. Effects of patellar taping on brain activity during knee joint proprioception tests using functional magnetic resonance imaging Physical therapy, 92 :821-830 DOI Publisher Url

Chaudhry IB, Hallak J, Husain N, Minhas F, Stirling J, Richardson P, Dursun S, Dunn G, Deakin B. 2012. Minocycline benefits negative symptoms in early schizophrenia: a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial in patients on standard treatment Journal of psychopharmacology, 26 :1185-1193 DOI Publisher Url

McKie S, Richardson P, Elliott R, Völlm BA, Dolan MC, Williams SR, Anderson IM, Deakin JFW. 2011. Mirtazapine antagonises the subjective, hormonal and neuronal effects of m-chlorophenylpiperazine (mCPP) infusion: a pharmacological-challenge fMRI (phMRI) study Neuroimage, 58 :497-507 DOI Publisher Url

Völlm B, Richardson P, McKie S, Reniers R, Elliott R, Anderson IM, Williams S, Dolan M, Deakin B. 2010. Neuronal correlates and serotonergic modulation of behavioural inhibition and reward in healthy and antisocial individuals Journal of Psychiatric Research, 44 :123-131 DOI Publisher Url

Saliba AJ, Wragg K, Richardson P. 2009. Sweet taste preference and personality traits using a white wine Food Quality and Preference, 20 :572-575 DOI Publisher Url

Vollm BA, Zhao L, Richardson P, Clark L, Deakin JFW, Williams S, Dolan MC. 2009. A voxel-based morphometric MRI study in men with borderline personality disorder: preliminary findings CRIMINAL BEHAVIOUR AND MENTAL HEALTH, 19 :64-72 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Richardson P, Williams SR, Hepenstall S, Gregory L, McKie S, Corrigan F. 2009. A single-case fMRI study EMDR treatment of a patient with posttraumatic stress disorder Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 3 :10-23 DOI Publisher Url

Martindale W, Richardson P. 2008. Food and beverage carbon dioxide emissions from producer to consumer-applying and communicating LCA.

Anderson IM, Del-Ben CM, Mckie S, Richardson P, Williams SR, Elliott R, Deakin JFW. 2007. Citalopram modulation of neuronal responses to aversive face emotions: a functional MRI study Neuroreport, 18 :1351-1355 DOI Publisher Url

Völlm B, Richardson P, McKie S, Elliott R, Dolan M, Deakin B. 2007. Neuronal correlates of reward and loss in Cluster B personality disorders: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 156 :151-167 DOI Publisher Url

Vollm BA, Dolan M, Richardson P, McKie S, Elliott R, Williams S, Anderson I, Deakin JFW. 2007. Neurobiological correlates of antisocial personality traits-research findings and treatment implications European Psychiatry, 22 :S14-S15

Temple CM, Richardson P. 2006. Developmental amnesia: Fractionation of developing memory systems. Cognitive neuropsychology, 23 :762-788 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Völlm BA, Taylor ANW, Richardson P, Corcoran R, Stirling J, McKie S, Deakin JFW, Elliott R. 2006. Neuronal correlates of theory of mind and empathy: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study in a nonverbal task. NeuroImage, 29 :90-98 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Völlm B, Richardson P, McKie S, Elliott R, Deakin JFW, Anderson IM. 2006. Serotonergic modulation of neuronal responses to behavioural inhibition and reinforcing stimuli: an fMRI study in healthy volunteers. The European journal of neuroscience, 23 :552-560 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Elliott R, Völlm B, Drury A, McKie S, Richardson P, Deakin JFW. 2006. Co-operation with another player in a financially rewarded guessing game activates regions implicated in theory of mind. Social neuroscience, 1 :385-395 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Völlm B, Richardson P, Stirling J, Elliott R, Dolan M, Chaudhry I, Del Ben C, Mckier S, Anderson I, Deakin B. 2004. Neurobiological substrates of antisocial and borderline personality disorder: preliminary results of a functional fMRI study Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 14 :39-54 DOI Publisher Url

Temple CM, Richardson P. 2004. Developmental amnesia: a new pattern of dissociation with intact episodic memory. Neuropsychologia, 42 :764-781 DOI Author Url Publisher Url

Völlm B, Del Ben CM, Richardson P, Stirling J, Anderson IM, Elliott R, Dolan M, McKie M, Deakin JFW, Williams S. 2003. Effect of 5-H'T IND. 2C'receptor activation on reward and loss patterns in humans detected by fMRI Journal of Psychopharmacology, 17 :A12-res

Del Ben CM, Delval NA, Richardson P, Anderson IM, Elliott R, McKie S, Williams S, Deakin JFW. 2003. Citalopram modulates brain activation in response to implicit recognition of facial expressions Journal of Psychopharmacology, 17 :A15-res

Stirling J, Völlm B, Richardson P, Del Ben C, Elliott R, Anderson I, McKie S, Deakin B, Williams W. 2003. P. 6.037 Effect of 5-HT 2 C receptor activation on reward and loss response patterns in humans detected by fMRI European Neuropsychopharmacology, :S441-S442

Del Ben C, McKie S, Williams S, Anderson I, Richardson P, Elliott R, Dolan M, Deakin B. Acute Serotonergic Modulation of Neuronal Responses to Implicit Recognition of Facial Expressions, Behavioural Inhibition and Reinforcement

McKie S, Richardson P, Lees J, Deakin JW, Williams SR. Comparison of analysis techniques for direct pharmacological challenge-fMRI


Conference publication

Husain N, Richardson P, Laganis C, Mehmood N, Wilson V, Rahman R, Monji D, Kazmi A, Chaudhry IB. 2012. A comparison of neuropsychological deficits in chronic schizophrenia, first-episode and healthy control groups in a developing country EARLY INTERVENTION IN PSYCHIATRY, 6 :73-73

Chaudhry I, Deakin JF, Hallak J, Dursun S, Richardson P, Husain N. 2010. Minocycline improves negative symptoms of schizophrenia; a two-centre randomised double-blind placebo controlled trial INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, 13 :217-218

Chaves C, Marque CR, Chaudhry IB, Husain N, Minhas F, Oliveira JP, Wichert-Ana L, Kato M, Dursun S, Richardson P. 2009. Short-term improvement by minocycline added to olanzapine antipsychotic treatment in paranoid schizophrenia Schizophrenia Bulletin, 35 :354-355

Chaudhry IB, Husain N, Hallak J, Minhas F, Dursun S, Richardson P, Stirling J, Chaves C, Deakin JFW. 2008. Neuroprotection in first episode psychosis EARLY INTERVENTION IN PSYCHIATRY, 2 :A81-A81

Lythe K, Anderson IM, McKie S, Richardson P, Deakin JFW, Elliott R. 2005. Does the frequency of'no-go'cues in a simple go/no-go paradigm alter the pattern of neuronal responses: An fMRI study? JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, 19 :A54-A54

Vollm B, Richardson P, Zhao L, McKie S, Stirling J, Elliott R, Dolan M, Anderson I, Elliott R, Willams S. 2005. Neuronal correlates of cluster B personality disorders EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY, 20 :S188-S188

Vollm B, Del Ben C, Richardson P, Stirling J, Anderson I, Elliott R, McKie S, Deakin B, Williams S. 2003. 5-HT2c receptor activation detected in humans by fMRI: effect of pre-treatment with mirtazepine on brain activations following mCPP infusion JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, 17 :A12-A12


Richardson P, Saliba A. 2011. Personality traits in the context of sensory preference: a focus on sweetness Handbook of behavior, food and nutrition :85-97 Springer New York New York, NY DOI Publisher Url
