Dr Sandra Angers-Blondin
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: S.AngersBlondin@ljmu.ac.uk
I am part of a research group that focuses on mapping and measuring natural capital and ecosystem services in the UK. My primary role is to develop and maintain EcoservR, an R package that uses national, widely available datasets to produce maps of our natural assets and the benefits we derive from them. We work in partnership with local and national government bodies and environmental charities, applying our mapping and modelling to measure how certain land use changes might impact ecosystem services and identify scenarios that provide benefits for people and nature.
The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, PhD, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences
Université Laval, Canada, MSc, Biology
Université Laval, Canada, BSc, Biology
Journal article
Labrecque-Foy JP, Angers-Blondin S, Ropars P, Simard M, Boudreau S. 2023. The Use of Basal Area Increment to Preserve the Multi-Decadal Climatic Signal in Shrub Growth Ring Chronologies: A Case Study of Betula glandulosa in a Rapidly Warming Environment Atmosphere, 14 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Boyle JS, Angers-Blondin S, Assmann JJ, Myers-Smith IH. 2022. Summer temperature—but not growing season length—influences radial growth of Salix arctica in coastal Arctic tundra Polar Biology, 45 :1257-1270 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Buchwal A, Sullivan PF, Macias-Fauria M, Post E, Myers-Smith IH, Stroeve JC, Blok D, Tape KD, Forbes BC, Ropars P, Lévesque E, Elberling B, Angers-Blondin S, Boyle JS, Boudreau S, Boulanger-Lapointe N, Gamm C, Hallinger M, Rachlewicz G, Young A, Zetterberg P, Welker JM. 2020. Divergence of Arctic shrub growth associated with sea ice decline Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117 :33334-33344 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Thomas HJD, Bjorkman AD, Myers-Smith IH, Elmendorf SC, Kattge J, Diaz S, Vellend M, Blok D, Cornelissen JHC, Forbes BC, Henry GHR, Hollister RD, Normand S, Prevéy JS, Rixen C, Schaepman-Strub G, Wilmking M, Wipf S, Cornwell WK, Beck PSA, Georges D, Goetz SJ, Guay KC, Rüger N, Soudzilovskaia NA, Spasojevic MJ, Alatalo JM, Alexander HD, Anadon-Rosell A, Angers-Blondin S, te Beest M, Berner LT, Björk RG, Buchwal A, Buras A, Carbognani M, Christie KS, Collier LS, Cooper EJ, Elberling B, Eskelinen A, Frei ER, Grau O, Grogan P, Hallinger M, Heijmans MMPD, Hermanutz L, Hudson JMG, Johnstone JF, Hülber K, Iturrate-Garcia M, Iversen CM, Jaroszynska F, Kaarlejarvi E, Kulonen A, Lamarque LJ, Lantz TC, Lévesque E, Little CJ, Michelsen A, Milbau A, Nabe-Nielsen J, Nielsen SS, Ninot JM, Oberbauer SF, Olofsson J, Onipchenko VG, Petraglia A, Rumpf SB, Shetti R, Speed JDM, Suding KN, Tape KD, Tomaselli M, Trant AJ, Treier UA, Tremblay M, Venn SE, Vowles T, Weijers S, Wookey PA, Zamin TJ, Bahn M, Blonder B, van Bodegom PM, Bond-Lamberty B, Campetella G, Cerabolini BEL, Chapin FS, Craine JM, Dainese M, Green WA, Jansen S, Kleyer M, Manning P, Niinemets , Onoda Y, Ozinga WA, Peñuelas J, Poschlod P. 2020. Global plant trait relationships extend to the climatic extremes of the tundra biome Nature Communications, 11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Myers-Smith IH, Kerby JT, Phoenix GK, Bjerke JW, Epstein HE, Assmann JJ, John C, Andreu-Hayles L, Angers-Blondin S, Beck PSA, Berner LT, Bhatt US, Bjorkman AD, Blok D, Bryn A, Christiansen CT, Cornelissen JHC, Cunliffe AM, Elmendorf SC, Forbes BC, Goetz SJ, Hollister RD, de Jong R, Loranty MM, Macias-Fauria M, Maseyk K, Normand S, Olofsson J, Parker TC, Parmentier FJW, Post E, Schaepman-Strub G, Stordal F, Sullivan PF, Thomas HJD, Tømmervik H, Treharne R, Tweedie CE, Walker DA, Wilmking M, Wipf S. 2020. Complexity revealed in the greening of the Arctic Nature Climate Change, 10 :106-117 DOI Publisher Url
Myers-Smith IH, Grabowski MM, Thomas HJD, Angers-Blondin S, Daskalova GN, Bjorkman AD, Cunliffe AM, Assmann JJ, Boyle JS, McLeod E, McLeod S, Joe R, Lennie P, Arey D, Gordon RR, Eckert CD. 2019. Eighteen years of ecological monitoring reveals multiple lines of evidence for tundra vegetation change ECOLOGICAL MONOGRAPHS, 89 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Angers-Blondin S, Myers-Smith IH, Boudreau S. 2018. Plant-plant interactions could limit recruitment and range expansion of tall shrubs into alpine and Arctic tundra POLAR BIOLOGY, 41 :2211-2219 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bjorkman AD, Myers-Smith IH, Elmendorf SC, Normand S, Rüger N, Beck PSA, Blach-Overgaard A, Blok D, Cornelissen JHC, Forbes BC, Georges D, Goetz SJ, Guay KC, Henry GHR, HilleRisLambers J, Hollister RD, Karger DN, Kattge J, Manning P, Prevéy JS, Rixen C, Schaepman-Strub G, Thomas HJD, Vellend M, Wilmking M, Wipf S, Carbognani M, Hermanutz L, Lévesque E, Molau U, Petraglia A, Soudzilovskaia NA, Spasojevic MJ, Tomaselli M, Vowles T, Alatalo JM, Alexander HD, Anadon-Rosell A, Angers-Blondin S, Beest MT, Berner L, Björk RG, Buchwal A, Buras A, Christie K, Cooper EJ, Dullinger S, Elberling B, Eskelinen A, Frei ER, Grau O, Grogan P, Hallinger M, Harper KA, Heijmans MMPD, Hudson J, Hülber K, Iturrate-Garcia M, Iversen CM, Jaroszynska F, Johnstone JF, Jørgensen RH, Kaarlejärvi E, Klady R, Kuleza S, Kulonen A, Lamarque LJ, Lantz T, Little CJ, Speed JDM, Michelsen A, Milbau A, Nabe-Nielsen J, Nielsen SS, Ninot JM, Oberbauer SF, Olofsson J, Onipchenko VG, Rumpf SB, Semenchuk P, Shetti R, Collier LS, Street LE, Suding KN, Tape KD, Trant A, Treier UA, Tremblay JP, Tremblay M, Venn S, Weijers S, Zamin T, Boulanger-Lapointe N, Gould WA, Hik DS, Hofgaard A, Jónsdóttir IS, Jorgenson J, Klein J, Magnusson B. 2018. Plant functional trait change across a warming tundra biome Nature, 562 :57-62 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Ropars P, Angers-Blondin S, Gagnon M, Myers-Smith IH, Lévesque E, Boudreau S. 2017. Different parts, different stories: climate sensitivity of growth is stronger in root collars vs. stems in tundra shrubs Global Change Biology, 23 :3281-3291 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Angers-Blondin S, Boudreau S. 2017. Expansion dynamics and performance of the dwarf shrub Empetrum hermaphroditum (Ericaceae) on a Subarctic sand dune system, Nunavik (Canada) Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 49 :201-211 DOI Publisher Url
Busdieker K, Angers-Blondin S, Rouquette J, Holt A, Bowe C. 2020. Quantifying environmental (natural capital) net gain and loss - Urban development demonstration: Liverpool City Region Author Url
Holt A, Bowe C, Rouquette J, Angers-Blondin S, Busdieker K. 2020. Baseline natural capital assessment for the Liverpool City Region Publisher Url
Angers-Blondin S, Pimblett J, Bellamy C, Rouquette J, Holt A, Varley M, Bowe C. 2020. EcoservR: a natural capital mapping tool for measuring public goods. ELM Test and Trial 074 Author Url