Ambar Ennis

Membership details: Student Governor

Member of:

Board of Governors

Term of Office:

02/07/2021 – 01/07/2022 (first term)

Ambar is the JMSU Vice President for Community and Wellbeing. Ambar is a first year officer, having recently completed her undergraduate degree in History, and was engaged with the SU throughout her time as a student. Ambar was the intern for the University and Union collaboration project ‘The Free Period’ in 2019, which continues to be a hugely successful campaign supporting our students.

Ambar’s passions centre hugely on creating a community that supports one another and shatters stigmas around mental health. Ambar’s agenda for this year focuses greatly on gender equality, a natural continuation from her two years as elected Women’s Officer.

Ambar is looking forward to pursuing a masters in History next year.