Earth Day 2018

We live on an amazing planet – let's celebrate it.

Earth is truly an amazing place. But, as we know, it's fragile. It needs to be looked after and, more often than not, it appears as though we're failing in that respect. Complacency can set in when we can't always see the effects of climate change and other stresses on the planet as we go about our daily lives. And it's understandable to feel helpless when it seems like such an overwhelming problem. But if we really want to do our part for the planet we need to think beyond Earth Day. We can all make small changes to our lifestyles – whether that's reducing the amount of water we use and food we throw away, walking to the shops instead of driving or choosing a green energy supplier – all the little changes can make a difference if everyone makes an effort to do their bit.

To celebrate Earth Day we share some of the stories we've covered over the past year on the environment and the projects our staff and students are working on to try to turn things around – we hope they inspire you.

Discover more

These are just a handful of the stories on the LJMU website that cover this topic. Check out the articles and blogs on:

Test your knowledge of the environment

How much do you know about the environment? Take our Rubbish Quiz to find out.