Finding the right path

Josh made the right choice

Watch Josh's film or read his story to discover how postgraduate study can set you on the right path.

Since graduating four years ago with a degree in Media Production, Joshua McDowell has worked in digital marketing. “Although I really enjoyed my work, I couldn’t help but feel I wasn’t on the right career path,” he says. “Masters study has put me back on track and, when I graduate, I will be looking for a career rather than a job.”

Studying for a masters in International Journalism, Joshua wants to work in TV as a broadcast journalist or presenter. “My masters is enabling me to expand my knowledge, gain more skills and build up my experience,” he says. “When I was working full-time I had little flexibility to do all of those extra things to enhance my future but now I am writing for magazines, getting involved in University projects outside of my studies and basically making myself more employable.”

Joshua worked as Vice President of the Student Union for 12 months after graduating and then moved into digital marketing. “It was only this year that I began to seriously consider postgraduate study,” he says.

Having concentrated on the practical side of broadcasting at undergraduate level, Joshua was keen to brush up on his journalism skills at postgraduate level. “Postgraduate study is very different to undergraduate,” he says. “I wouldn’t say it is tougher but there is a certain level of expectation from the tutors and they don’t spoon feed you. There’s lots of reading and research involved and you really have to organise yourself well. I’m actually on campus more often than I was at undergraduate level.”

Another aspect of postgraduate study which is very different from undergraduate is the mix of students on Joshua’s programme. “We have students from China, Luxembourg and Russia,” he says. “There are new graduates, those who have returned to education like me and then older students who have families and work alongside their studies. Learning about new cultures and different experiences is fascinating.”

Keen to get himself in the best possible shape for the job market, Joshua is making the most of his course. “For me this year is all about networking and making contacts,” he explains. “Our tutors are very good at letting us know when there are subject-related conferences and events. And in terms of practice, the Screen School Production Unit informs us of freelance opportunities so we can gain the experience we need as we study.”

With the growth of the North West as a centre for TV production, Joshua is hoping his career can take off locally. “Obviously I’ll go where the work is but, with Salford just down the road and talk of Channel 4 relocating to the area, I believe this area has its finger on the pulse in terms of TV production and I’d love to settle here.”


Josh - PG student

“I knew it would be the right thing to do in terms of getting where I wanted to be but it took the launch of the postgraduate loans to make me realise it was something I could do.”

Read more stories like this in MasterPlan – the LJMU magazine for postgraduate students.