Fun, Froebel & Lifelong Kindergarten
The most recent incarnation of the Learning Creative Learning (LCL) online course (opens in a new tab) began a couple of weeks ago #LCL17. Now the course has begun I am able to give you a taste of what the course is about for those who haven’t had the time to investigate it yourself. The contents are likely to be of interest to all who are educators and especially those interested in education.
The course builds upon the “Lifelong Kindergarten” aspect of MIT’s Creative Lab. Its foundations are steeped within the ideas of Froebel and Seymour Papert and other key education thinkers.
Figure 1 Mitch Resnick talking about his 4Ps model of creative learning
In this picture Mitch Resnick is talking about his 4Ps model of creative learning applied in his media lab where research students playfully create, together with their peers as in a kindergarten.
This leads onto the creative learning spiral.
Figure 2
For more information watch the video introduction (opens in a new tab) to LCL and the paper cited above (opens in a new tab).