Beautiful Images for Your New Canvas Courses

With the ongoing roll out of Canvas we’re receiving lots of enquiries about where to find high quality and free to use images. We’ve previously highlighted Photosforclass which gives you access to a near infinite number of Creative Commons images whilst, at the same time,  automatically embedding  appropriate attribution information for you on any images you download.  However colleagues have also asked if there are websites in which they can access images that don’t need attribution.

One of the reasons for this is that attribution text is often cut off when used as a course card image on Canvas. Another is that images without attribution text also tend to be more appropriate for smaller menu buttons in a Canvas course.

With this in mind, below are a couple of sites that we’ve recommended to colleagues that contain high quality, creative  commons zero (CC0) images. CC0 means no attribution is required and you can edit and share them as you see fit.

Pixabay – –

Pexels –

NegativeSpace –

The selection of images on the sites above is admittedly smaller than Photosforclass, however I believe the standard of the images is much less variable and overall, generally higher. Many of these sites also have a ‘recent images’ or ‘most popular’ feed which might offer inspiration for your Canvas course designs.

CC0 – no attribution required for image

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