Search the LJMU website

  1. The life of a primatologist

    Meet LJMU primate specialist and lecturer in Animal Behaviour, Dr Alex Piel. He talks about his research on chimpanzees and what they tell us about our own history.

  2. Improving access for BAME students

    LJMU has been part of a successful consortium bid for funds to improve opportunities for Black, Asian and minority ethnic students to undertake postgraduate research.

  3. Stay safe this winter

    The winter break starts this week and we hope you all to have an enjoyable and safe break.

  4. 5 Ways to Battle Homesickness and Settle into University

    University can be some of the best years of your life, however adjusting to a big change can take some time. Whether you've travelled an hour down the road or from across the water, homesickness can affect everyone. Here are some tips to handle homesickness and ensure you enjoy university life as much as possible.