Adrien Thob
Astrophysics Research Institute
Astrophysics Research Institute
The Linda McCartney Centre provides state-of-the-art specialist care for thousands of cancer patients from the North-West.
Liverpool Business School
Department of Computer Science
Read the oration for Commodore Rod Walker on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Professor Frank Sanderson.
The broad purpose of the occupation is the design and technical responsibility for the construction and maintenance of ships, boats, other marine vessels and offshore structures, both civil and military.
Read the oration for Lance Corporal Alan Redford on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Lynette Beardwood.
Dr Kay Standing and Dr Sara Parker are currently completing a British Academy Small Grant Project on re-usable sanitary towel projects, assessing their wider impact on women's health and wellbeing in Nepal. Find out more about this research.
School of Psychology
Strategy Support Office