Invite - EU Laser Fence Research Project Final Conference
Date: 3-4 March 2020 Location: Byrom Street Campus Link to register:
Date: 3-4 March 2020 Location: Byrom Street Campus Link to register:
LJMU declares climate emergency
Master's student competes in final of UK industry competition
In support of gender-equality and the several departments considering applying for their Athena SWAN Bronze/Silver Awards here at LJMU, this Athena SWAN Workshop: Understanding Data and Top Tips has been arranged in order to provide Departmental Athena SWAN Self-Assessment Teams (SATs) with the opportunity to gain some practical knowledge in relation to the application process.
There are similar concentrations of microplastic pollution on the seabed in Antarctica as in the North Atlantic and Mediterranean, scientists have found.
Two-year study concludes into how children develop numeracy skills
A LIFELINE for the worlds seas could lie at the bottom of a fishermans net, according to marine biologists.
Researchers from Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) and the University of Wisconsin, Madison, think that struggling to recall narratives might be a sign of dementia.
New partnership between the NTDC and HEaTED. LJMU subscribes to HEaTED and promotes related opportunities and support for our technical staff.
LJMUs Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Team, are proud to be working in partnership with Zia Chaudhry (Director of LJMU Foundation for Citizenship), Zane Abdo (LJMU Muslim Adviser/Chaplin), Rabbi Natan Fagleman (LJMU Jewish Chaplain), Hannah Padfield (LJMU Anglican Chaplain), Father Neil Ritchie (LJMU Catholic Chapain) and other external consultants in order to offer LJMU Staff (& Students*), the opportunity to participate in a bespoke, half day Religion & Belief workshop.