Mapping Europe's energy system
EU Horizon 2020 €3.4 million grant for Energy Transitions Research
EU Horizon 2020 €3.4 million grant for Energy Transitions Research
Liverpool John Moores University is establishing a brand new network to connect and provide greater opportunities for women in football.
Researchers have found that wild chimpanzees may copy each other’s gestures to maintain their complex social relationships.
Innovation and collaboration specialists are offering up their expert solutions and technical support to SMEs in a bid to boost competitiveness and productivity.
LJMU professor researches orang-utan habitat.
Discover opportunities to undertake industry-based research and to generate student projects.
A new study has revealed that drones fitted with a standard camera are able to detect chimpanzee nests, saving conservation researchers hours of ground work.
LJMU researchers in sport science hope to make a difference to the lives of children with learning disabilities through their Movement Matters community research project.
As a partner in the Horizons project, LJMU’s established relationships are ensuring businesses are supported to generate economic growth.
Over 300 attendees from across Liverpool attended an ‘Afternoon with Helen Sharman ‘to listen to the inspiring story of what it was really like to become the first British astronaut in space.