Search the LJMU website

  1. Teaching and learning

    The Research Centre in Evolutionary Anthropology and Palaeoecology offer a range of learning opportunities in natural sciences including animal behaviour, biology, conservation, bioarchaeology, forensic anthropology and primate behaviour. Find out about our current MPhil projects and PhD opportunities.

  2. Seminar Series 2022

    The Research Centre in Evolutionary Anthropology and Palaeoecology hosts an annual seminar series.

  3. Public Health Institute case studies

    The Public Health Institute is involved in some important research. Read our case studies to gain a good summary of the type of projects we're engaged in.

  4. Delta Fluid Products

    Delta Fluids Products specialise in the field of controls, valves and gases. Discover how LJMU worked with this company to help develop a product.

  5. Outreach and Public Engagement

    The Astrophysics Research Institute provides exceptional educational and public outreach projects including the National Schools' Observatory, Spaceport, astronomy workshops for schools and more.

  6. Dr Áine Mac Dermott

    Áine won the Individual Teaching Excellence Award at our Teaching Excellence Awards held in our Bicentenary year, recognising how she has provided amazing real-world learning experiences for students across the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, all while being an active supporter of women in STEM.

  7. Research in Liverpool Business School

    Our research strategy has a strong focus on working with external partners. Find out more about our multidiscipline, collaborative and international approach to research has helped us build a solid reputation for producing world-class research within: Entrepreneurship and small business, Public management, Public and Private sector Evaluation research and Research with practitioners