Women in Blitz among topics of history Great Debate
Nine schools and college take part in Historical Society Liverpool heat
Nine schools and college take part in Historical Society Liverpool heat
120 colleagues gather to discuss hot research topics
The universitys new and innovative MSc Emergency Care module has been well received, with more than 200 stakeholders, leaders and healthcare professionals attending the launch symposium.
Read more about the new agreement that will make it even easier to search LJMU’s rich Library collection from August 2017.
Faculty of Arts, Professional and Social Studies graduates celebrated in style on the last day of spring graduation.
A LJMU student is helping keep Liverpool safe with style after winning a coronavirus design competition.
LJMU is one of 15 teams to win the Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE) and an LJMU academic has also been awarded one of 54 National Teaching Fellows (NTF). Dr Philip Denton, Principal Lecturer at the School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, is the recipient of the NTF and the paramedic team at LJMU’s Schools of Nursing and Allied Health received the CATE.
Liverpool John Moores University awards Honorary Fellowship to Neena Gill CBE at Liverpool Cathedral on Friday 13 July 2018.
New governors join Board on fact-finding trip to Byrom Street
Google Garage is supporting LJMUs Global Entrepreneurship Week (16 22 November) with a series of superb and state-of-the-art business training for students and staff.