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  1. Study for Success courses

    Academic colleagues are encouraged to highlight this year’s Study for Success Canvas course to students.

  2. Disabled children to fulfil their potential through LJMU partnership

    A new interactive online training resource will help schools unlock opportunity and help disabled children reach their full potential. LJMU in collaboration with the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) have launched the project after statistics for attainment in primary and secondary schools show a significant gap between pupils with no identified special educational needs (SEN) and disabled pupils.

  3. Mersey Maritime welcomes LJMU as 'valued' member

    Mersey Maritime is widely recognised as the UK’s leading maritime cluster organisation bringing together industry, government, national trade bodies and academia to champion, grow and protect the UK maritime industry particularly in the North-West.

  4. Honorary Fellow David Carter

    Liverpool John Moores University awards Honorary Fellowship to David Carter at Liverpool Cathedral on Friday 14 July 2017.

  5. Improving how medicines are managed in the NHS

    The first research collaboration in the UK between a hospital, university and community pharmacist is taking place through a unique project from LJMU, the Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust and LloydsPharmacy.