Our Digital Health
Our Digital Health is a research project that looks at how people with learning disabilities use technology to support their health and wellbeing.
Our Digital Health is a research project that looks at how people with learning disabilities use technology to support their health and wellbeing.
The Industrial Design Group has been focusing on human-centred design research that applying Human Factors theory to optimise human well-being and overall system performance.
The Sensors and Communications group carry out applied research in collaboration with industries.
Researchers from the Microelectronics Research Group are investigating new technologies and materials. Members from the Group are also exploring ‘show-stoppers’ for optimizing digital/analogue circuits.
The Centre for Natural Products Discovery is concerned with preventing and curing disease. Find out more about total or partial synthesis of natural products.
The Educational Psychology Research Group is comprised researchers who use psychological theory and perspectives to understand and positively influence educational phenomena at all ages and stages of education.
The Absolute Chemistry Research Group is dedicated to practices of Outreach, Public Engagement and Widening Participation.
Explore the Centre for Educational Research's research cluster into sustainability and social justice.
Explore the The Liverpool Institute for Research in Education's research cluster into teacher education and development for schooling and learning improvement.
Prisons and punishment research within the Centre for the Study of Crime, Criminalisation and Social Exclusion.