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  1. Simulated evolution of the Universe

    A study conducted by an international team of astrophysicists, including Dr Rob Crain and Dr Ian McCarthy from the LJMU Astrophysics Research Institute (ARI), has emerged as one of the major research highlights of 2015.

  2. Chair and Panel Member Briefing Sessions

    Three in-person sessions are being offered in Exchange Station for academic colleagues who wish to become a Validation/Periodic Programme Review chair or panel member.

  3. Latest AI research to help stroke and cardiac patients

    With awareness campaigns World Stroke Day later this month (29 October), we're shining a spotlight on one of LJMU’s latest research projects; TARGET, which is developing cutting edge AI technology to track and prevent strokes and atrial fibrillation.

  4. 25 years of nursing at LJMU

    A year before Liverpool Polytechnic became Liverpool John Moores University, another major change happened at the institution. In April 1991, the Liverpool School of Nursing and Midwifery amalgamated with the Poly, laying the foundations for today’s School of Nursing and Allied Health.