Andrea Newman
Public and Allied Health
Public and Allied Health
Liverpool Business School
School of Education
Since 1997, the University has hosted over 120 lectures encompassing a variety of themes, subjects and viewpoints that make the Roscoe Lectures a symbol of plurality and respect for difference. Find out more about previous and upcoming lectures. The lectures are available to listen to online.
Professor Phil Vickerman, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Student Experience
School of Psychology
This project aims to create a universal definition of physical literacy in England to hopefully catalyse efforts to adopt, support and promote physical literacy in practice.
Biological and Environmental Sciences
The Astrophysics Research Institute organises an astrophysical seminar series where we invite esteemed scientists to present their research results - every Wednesday during term time at 3pm.
See the international entry requirements for students from Netherlands wishing to study at Liverpool John Moore's University.