Search the LJMU website

  1. Finance Strategy Policy and Guidance

    You'll find LJMU's finance strategy policy and guidance including: Anti Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Policy, Ethical Investment Policy, How to do Business with Liverpool John Moores University, Procurement Strategy, Sustainable Procurement Policy.

  2. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

    Policies related to LJMU's equality and diversity: Athena Swan Submission, Bullying and Harassment Policy, Equality and Diversity Policy, Gender Reassignment Guidance. You can also download a copy of our Diversity Calendar.

  3. Submitting your coursework

    Coursework can be handed in before the due date if completed early and should be handed in at your Faculty or School Office. All submissions must include a Coursework Submission cover sheet, available at the Faculty or School Offices. Submissions must contain certain mandatory information, i.e. Student ID number, module code and tutor’s name, etc. You may also need to add a word count.

  4. Funding for research students

    Discover the funding options available for postgraduate research students at Liverpool John Moores University and whether you are eligible to apply.

  5. Service standards

    Service standards have been developed to give our customers a clear indication of the level of service you can expect from student administration services.

  6. Planning for Results day

    Now that you've got your results in your hand, find out what options are available to you at LJMU.