Ten ways to find part-time work
Part-time work is a great way to earn money, gain work experience, develop key skills and evidence skills on your CV!
Part-time work is a great way to earn money, gain work experience, develop key skills and evidence skills on your CV!
As a part of the Qualitative Analysis in Action project, you are invited to read the interviews with women activists in Nepal. The interviews help us to gain a better understanding of their unique and inspirational lives.
The aim of the Student Futures Team is to help LJMU students and graduates achieve the career they aspire to. Find useful information and advice about career options, careers fairs and employer events, work experience and internships, careers resources and guides and LJMU’s online digital careers platform.
Policies relating to LJMU's Academic Misconduct: Academic Appeals Form, Academic Appeals Guidance, Academic Misconduct Panel Proforma, Academic Misconduct Panel Protocol, Academic Misconduct Policy, Criminal Convictions, Guidance notes for students, Hearing Protocol, Protocol for investigating officers, Student Complaint form, Student complaints procedure.
Understand the organisational structure of LJMU, including academic faculties, departments, and administrative services.
Online payments at LJMU, pay your fees, pay international fees, browse the online shop or top up your virtual purse
Find out more about reporting an incidence of sexual violence at a later time.
Find out more about Secondary care, maternity care and sexual health services available to asylum seekers and refugees.
Barry Fowler joined King Edward the Seventh Nautical College, London in May 1952. Barry spent four years as an apprentice and eventually rose to the position of captain at Elder Dempster Lines.
Read careers case studies from students and graduates from every academic school at LJMU, including testimonials about volunteering, internships, industrial placements, graduate-level roles and graduate schemes.