Can we turn the tide for orangutans in 2016?
Assisting conservationists in combating primate extinction threats
Assisting conservationists in combating primate extinction threats
An international team of scientists, led by the China University of Geosciences in Beijing and including palaeontologists from the Liverpool John Moores University, has shed new light on some unusual dinosaur tracks from northern China. The tracks appear to have been made by four-legged sauropod dinosaurs yet only two of their feet have left prints behind.
The evolution of the menopause was ‘kick-started’ by a fluke of nature, but then boosted by the tendency for sons and grandsons to remain living close to home, a new study by Liverpool scientists suggests.
LJMU Audio and Video Forensics Masters student and Music Producer, Brian Sheil was selected as a juror for this year’s Eurovision Song Contest Grand Final, which was held in Malmo, Sweden, on Saturday 11 May.
Paper in Cell Genomics starts to tell story of life and population of Bahrain
Astrophysics Research Institute team show off latest science in warm-up for British Science Festival
The first-of-its-kind exhibition has been curated by LJMU scholar Dr Nedim Hassan.
Academics and practitioners interested in integrated care across the Liverpool City Region are encouraged to attend the inaugural event on Wednesday 10 July.
Senior Education Lecturer Dr Judith Enriquez has helped the community of Alapasco in the Philippines to continue to develop their literacy skills despite the challenges posed by the pandemic.
Read more about how LJMU's Liverpool Telescope has helped to find seven earth-sized worlds.