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  1. Maritime SuperSkills Project

    Event to celebrate the successful completion of the project at the Maritime Museum, Royal Albert Dock on 13th June 2019. Attended by Iain McKinnon, Secretary Maritime Skills Alliance, local and national employers and LJMU staff who have helped with the project.

  2. The life of a primatologist

    Meet LJMU primate specialist and lecturer in Animal Behaviour, Dr Alex Piel. He talks about his research on chimpanzees and what they tell us about our own history.

  3. Women in Sport Journalism Day

    It has been called the last men's club in journalism, but expect a much more female future for the UK's sport coverage.

  4. Worrying trend of children 'in care' still living at home

    Researchers at Liverpool John Moores University are set to investigate a worrying phenomenon in the North West of England that is seeing increasing numbers of vulnerable children placed into local authority care yet remain living at home. 

  5. Degree Shows 2020 go virtual

    Around 250 graduating artists and designers are reaping the rewards of a huge technological effort to exhibit all final year work on digital platforms as LJMU adapts to the new normal.